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Nested TransitionGroup Bug - .move class not applied anymore #7919

Open titouandk opened 1 year ago

titouandk commented 1 year ago

Vue version


Link to minimal reproduction

Links to code sandebox provided below (correct Vue2 + buggy Vue3).

Steps to reproduce

Nest a <TransitionGroup> in another <TransitionGroup>, and replace an element by another in the nested <TransitionGroup>.

<!-- simplified code -->
        <ItemA1 v-if="itemA1" />
        <ItemA2 v-if="itemA2" />
    <ItemB /> <!-- .move should be applied during itemA1 to itemA2 transition -->

When alternating between <ItemA1> and <ItemA2>, the .move class should be applied on <ItemB>. This was the case in Vue2, but not anymore in Vue3.

Vue2 VS Vue3 comparison:

What is expected?

āœ“ In Vue2, changes on an inner <TransitionGroup> applied .move class on the parent <TransitionGroup> children:

What is actually happening?

āŒ In Vue3, changes on an inner <TransitionGroup> do not apply the .move class on the parent <TransitionGroup> children anymore:

Any additional comments?

Both examples links above contains the same code, located in App.vue.

edison1105 commented 2 months ago

a side note: blocB is never re-rendered while activeBloc is changing, so there is no animation a workaround Playground

Not sure if this is considered a bug.