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Opening wsl2 hosted files in idea. #594

Open cgtarmenta opened 1 week ago

cgtarmenta commented 1 week ago

I know this is something extremely low-priority guys, but some of us, clone repos inside of wsl2 env, and use idea from windows.

So if I configure idea as editor doing this:

    launchEditor: 'idea',

In first instance, the plugin fails as it can't find idea in the path, so I made a /usr/local/bin bash script to pass the commands to Windows idea

/mnt/c/Windows/explorer.exe 'C:\Users\MyWindowsUser\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\scripts\idea.cmd' "$@"

This worked but now the plugin is trying to open files using Ubuntu paths like /home/ubuntu/path/to/my/repo/App.vue

So I've ended up doing some sorcery

#  echo "Original args: $@" 1>&2
# Function to decode URL-encoded strings
urldecode() {
    local url_encoded="${1//+/ }"
    printf '%b' "${url_encoded//%/\\x}"

# Function to convert WSL path to Windows path
wsl_to_windows_path() {
    windows_path=$(wslpath -w "$wsl_path")
    echo "$windows_path"

# Define the IntelliJ IDEA script path directly as a Windows path
idea_cmd="C:\\Users\\$(cmd.exe /C echo %USERNAME% | tr -d '\r')\\AppData\\Local\\JetBrains\\Toolbox\\scripts\\idea.cmd"

# Iterate over all arguments and decode and convert paths if they exist
for arg in "$@"; do
    # echo "Original arg: $arg" 1>&2
    decoded_arg=$(urldecode "$arg")
    # echo "Decoded arg: $decoded_arg" 1>&2
    if [[ "$decoded_arg" == /* ]]; then
        # Extract the path after 'file=' and convert it
        wsl_path="${wsl_path%%:*}"  # Strip line:column info (e.g., :0:0)
        windows_arg=$(wsl_to_windows_path "$wsl_path")
        # echo "Converted path: $windows_arg" 1>&2
# Combine arguments into a single string for correct grouping
combined_args=$(printf "%s " "${args[@]}")

# Print final arguments for debugging
echo "opening: ${combined_args}" 1>&2

# Call the IntelliJ IDEA script with the translated paths using Windows paths
eval "cmd.exe /C  '$idea_cmd ${combined_args}' 1>&2"

It is ugly and dirty, but it works and now I can open files from your marvelous plugin.

Someone could make this kind of conversion as part of the plugin. If nobody picks this glove, I'll try to make a PR but it can take some time for that.

alexzhang1030 commented 1 week ago

Related, upstream issue