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Feature/86 update custom containers #90

Closed bencodezen closed 4 years ago

bencodezen commented 4 years ago

The styles are temporarily in a global stylus file and needs refactoring, but until the atomic theme is ready, wanted to split this off to a different PR so people could get access and start using this feature sooner rather than later.

Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 6 15 08 AM

Also, the icons are completely fill-ins and open to us figuring out what icon / symbols we want for each custom container box. And as always, totally open to changes / new style ideas. I mainly migrated existing styles from the current docs.

phanan commented 4 years ago

Hmm… To be honest, I'd prefer to keep the current style as-is, as it already has two elements to explain the intention: color and text/label. The icons don't add anything new IMHO, and instead are prone to unnecessary aesthetical discussions/bikeshedding.

shentao commented 4 years ago

Agree with An on the icons.

bencodezen commented 4 years ago

Since we are planning on a redesign at some point, the idea is to minimize the amount of change that people have to deal with while allowing contributors more ways of breaking up information.

phanan commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure I follow. We already have these components right?

bencodezen commented 4 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken, the existing docs we have the tip and danger container equivalents, but don't have the other ones.

As far as the types go, the naming / color association with the custom containers tend to imply certain things:

Do we already have all of these in the existing docs?

phanan commented 4 years ago

Yeah I’m not sure about availability of current components, but Info definitely is missing there. I would still follow the current color palette and remove the icons though.

On Mon 11. May 2020 at 12:45 Ben Hong wrote:

Unless I'm mistaken, the existing docs we have the tip and danger container equivalents, but don't have the other ones.

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bencodezen commented 4 years ago

@phanan Icons have been removed except for the danger to maintain consistency. The styles will update accordingly once I've migrated the existing site's CSS over to an atomic VuePress theme.

sdras commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry I'm late to the party here, I disagree with removing the icons. We talked through in a few meetings and with Evan that we needed more than one style for information, danger and the like.

I would love to talk this through. @phanan is there a meeting you can attend? I know it's tough and I can't always join either, but would be good to get comms in one place :)

phanan commented 4 years ago

Sure, I'll try to attend the next meetings. Re: the icons, I do agree that icons can help with cognitive leaks. In this case, however, I'd argue that it's superfluous for the same reason above: labels and colors. Having three elements to convey one message to me is an overkill.

sdras commented 4 years ago

Just so I understand, are you proposing to kill the warning one and keep the others? That's the only one I see that's repetition. The other labels we decided to add.