vuejs / eslint-plugin-vue

Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
MIT License
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Got "valid-v-for" if I write key in bind attribute #983

Closed iigmir closed 2 years ago

iigmir commented 5 years ago

Tell us about your environment

Please show your full configuration:

const production_only = () => process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "error" : "off";

module.exports = {
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What did you do?

    <b-nav-item v-for="(item) in link_binding" v-bind="{ key: }" >
        Elements inside

What did you expect to happen?

It should no error when key is in the v-bind attribute.

What actually happened?

This is what puzzles me the most: I got this error when I use Vetur in VScode: Screenshot I try to use yarn eslint src/my-file.vue, but there were no errors shown, so I post an issue in Vetur. However, my issue was closed because they said the issue "should be reported on eslint-plugin-vue".

CorneVgit commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure you have to do v-bind:key="" or the shorthand version :key=""

iigmir commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure you have to do v-bind:key=""

I know that, but it will be annoying when you need to write more v-bind:

<foo-bar v-for="(item) in link_binding" v-bind:key="" v-bind:id="id_binding" v-bind:class="class_binding" v-bind:disabled="disabled_binding" v-bind:bind-to-child="bind_to_child_binding">

I mean, I can write something like this to make components looks more clear:

<foo-bar v-for="(item, index) in link_binding" v-bind="foobar_binding(item, index)">

// In JavaScript
methods: {
    foobar_binding(item, index) {
        return {
            key: index
            id: item.whatever + "-dom"
            // ... bypass

or the shorthand version :key=""

It's impossible to bind an object of attributes using shorthand.

ota-meshi commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this issue.

We can't fully track scripts from v-bind directives, so we can only rule out errors when v-bind with no arguments is used. However, I don't want to do this because ignoring v-bind with no arguments can leave a potentially invalid v-for.

I want to know your ideas.

iigmir commented 5 years ago

I usually write my v-bind into computed or methods instance(Or, at least, write them into v-bind="{ }" directive) to make component looks more clear and simple like what I mentioned above, thanks for the object binding syntax. But I can't do this in the iteration component due to the v-bind:key directive.

I don't know if this can clearly explain my idea.

However, as you said, it's not possible to fully track scripts from v-bind directives, so maybe it's hard to solve this issue.

FloEdelmann commented 2 years ago

You can use :key="" v-bind="otherAttributes". Given this workaround, I guess it's fine to close this issue.

iigmir commented 2 years ago

Recently I found the article describing the key attribute on the official site:

key here is a special attribute being bound with v-bind. It should not be confused with the property key variable when using v-for with an object.

So I guess this is the way we should write.