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Module `@vue/runtime-core` cannot be reconized by language server #4401

Closed RayGuo-ergou closed 1 month ago

RayGuo-ergou commented 1 month ago

I found this issue when working with a project uses element-plus, they use @vue/runtime-core to declare global components. I did some research and seems vue document also uses vue now ( I remembered before prefer @vue/runtime-core?)

e.g. for code

import BaseInput from '@/components/BaseInput.vue'
import BaseButton from '@/components/BaseButton.vue'
declare module 'vue' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    BaseInput: typeof BaseInput,

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    BaseButton: typeof BaseButton,


minimal reproduction:

Language server version: 2.0.19
johnsoncodehk commented 1 month ago

This depends on whether the module is located in the top directory of node_modules.

When using npm, both definitions are valid. But when using pnpm, the top directory of node_modules only contains vue and not @vue/runtime-core, so declare module '@vue/runtime-core' is invalid.

This is a solution to a different but related issue:

RayGuo-ergou commented 1 month ago

that makes sense, thank you!