vuejs / language-tools

⚡ High-performance Vue language tooling based-on Volar.js
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Incorrect auto-complete for tag-like string in template literals #4403

Open immccn123 opened 1 month ago

immccn123 commented 1 month ago

I've encountered an issue with the plugin incorrectly handling tag-like strings within template literals. Below is a example that reproduces the problem:

  {{ "<this_is_a_tag_like string>" }}

In this example, the plugin incorrectly interprets the string <this_is_a_tag_like string> as an HTML tag. This should be treated as a regular string within the template context.

More Example

While this issue does not significantly affect functionality, it does lead to a less smooth development experience. I would appreciate it if this issue could be addressed in a future update.

Plugin version: 2.0.19