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Extension Throws Exception at Activation in New Component Files #4457

Closed CristopherH95 closed 5 days ago

CristopherH95 commented 2 weeks ago

Vue - Official extension or vue-tsc version


VSCode version


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No response

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new project, such as those generated by npm create vue@latest.
  2. Add a devcontainer.json file in a .devcontainer in the root of the project, configured to provide a Node.js and Typescript environment and install the Vue - Official extension.
  3. Reopen the project in the DevContainer.
  4. Install dependencies specified in package.json.
  5. The installed Vue - Official extension appears to work, with IntelliSense running and utilities like "go to definition" working as expected.
  6. Attempt to create a new single file component (e.g., MyTest.vue).
  7. The Vue - Official extension appears to no longer work completely as expected in the new component file (e.g., if importing an existing component, there is no auto-import and "go to definition" does not work).
  8. Observe that the extension now reports uncaught errors during activation.

Link to minimal reproduction

Any additional comments?

This issue was originally encountered while using Podman with a DevContainer environment for a Vuetify project. This also seemed to occur for me the same in a "vanilla" Vue project such as one in the provided GitHub repo. Upon a quick test, it looks like I also run into this outside of the DevContainer as well.

Examples of errors seen: Screenshot 2024-06-10 090304 Screenshot 2024-06-10 090328

johnsoncodehk commented 1 week ago

The issue of creating a new file seems to be related to #4424. The source code of the thrown error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')) is, which is related to auto insertion, I think it's a different issue.

litingyes commented 1 week ago

The issue of creating a new file seems to be related to #4424. The source code of the thrown error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')) is, which is related to auto insertion, I think it's a different issue.

so how to avoid the error about Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')

wsndshx commented 6 days ago

我也遇到了相同的问题,当出现该问题时,插件 ts-plugin 的纠错功能将失效,并且会卡住一些任务的线程。 I encountered the same issue. When this problem occurs, the error correction function of the plugin ts-plugin will fail, and it will hang some threads of tasks.

例如格式化功能会需要长达数秒的时间才能完成,git无法检测文件变更等... For example, the formatting function takes several seconds to complete, and Git cannot detect file changes, etc...
