vuejs / rollup-plugin-vue

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An error occurs when building Teleport using the <script setup lang="ts"> #419

Closed Wizard67 closed 3 years ago

Wizard67 commented 3 years ago



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

  1. install dependencies.
  2. run build script.

What is expected?

Building Success.

What is actually happening?

typescript throws the following error.

semantic error TS2345: Argument of type '{ new (): { $props: VNodeProps & TeleportProps; }; __isTeleport: true; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | ComponentOptions<any, any, any, Record<string, ComputedGetter<any> | WritableComputedOptions<any>>, MethodOptions, any, any, any> | ... 9 more ... | ClassComponent'.
  Type '{ new (): { $props: VNodeProps & TeleportProps; }; __isTeleport: true; }' is not assignable to type 'ComponentPublicInstanceConstructor<any, any, any, any, Record<string, ComputedGetter<any> | WritableComputedOptions<any>>, MethodOptions>'.
    Types of property '__isTeleport' are incompatible.
      Type 'true' is not assignable to type 'never'.

Using options api is working fine.

Wizard67 commented 3 years ago

This should be a Vue issue.