vuejs / rollup-plugin-vue

Roll .vue files
MIT License
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Feature request: use plugin along with vue-demi #426

Closed alvarosabu closed 3 years ago

alvarosabu commented 3 years ago

vue-demi is an awesome utility that allows you to write Universal Vue Libraries for Vue 2 & 3.

At the moment, using rollup to build a library, will allow you to externalize Vue demi in the moment of build, similar to what Posva did here in vue-promise:

// rollup.config.js
output.globals = { 'vue-demi': 'VueDemi' }

const external = ['vue-demi']

However, this will only work if the lib you are implementing is only using typescript. If the lib requires to have .vue files for components, as an example, using rollup-plugin-vue in the build config will break the library for its use in vue 2 projects.

My wild guess is that this rollup plugin uses a specific version of vue because all errors prompt are related to rendering.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone/Fork this reproduction repo git clone
  2. cd examples/vue-2-demo, yarn
  3. yarn serve

You will get a similar error in the console Screenshot 2021-01-04 at 09 01 50

In the main.js of the vue-2-demo (link here) you can toggle between the two versions of the lib:

Built with rollup-plugin-vue

import { createAwesomePlugin } from 'vue-demi-universal-lib';

or without it (This version doesn't have .vue files, only typescript ones and works correctly)

import { createAwesomePlugin } from 'vdul-next';

Let me know if it's something that could make sense for this plugin to have. It will open a gate for more universal plugins to avoid maintaining two codebases that double the workload for small scale libraries or new libraries that want to support both versions, doing bugfix or feature supplements twice is just no ideal.



vue-bot commented 3 years ago

Hello, thank you for taking time filling this issue!

However, we kindly ask you to use our Issue Helper when creating new issues, in order to ensure every issue provides the necessary information for us to investigate. This explains why your issue has been automatically closed by me (your robot friend!).

I hope to see your helper-created issue very soon!

LinusBorg commented 3 years ago

Vue files for Vue 3 are compiled with @vue/sfc-compiler, while for Vue 2, vue-template-compiler is being used. these require different implementations in this rollup plugin, which is why, at least for now, the 6.0 major of this plugin supports Vue 3, and the 5.0 version supports Vue 2.

While theoretically possible to support both in one plugin, that would require a big rearchitecture that likely won't happen quickly.

What you can do though is install both versions of this plugin like this:

  "dependencies": {
    "vue-demi": "^0.5.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "rollup-plugin-vue": "^6.0.0",
    "rollup-plugin-vue2": "npm:rollup-plugin-vue@^5.0.0",
    "@vue/sfc-compiler": "^3.0.4",
    "vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.11",
  "scripts": {
    "build:vue2": "vue-demi-switch 2 && ROLLUP_VUE_VERSION=2 rollup -config rollup.config.js",
    "build:vue3": "vue-demi-switch 3 &&  ROLLUP_VUE_VERSION=3 rollup -config rollup.config.js"

Then in rollup,config,js, use the right vue plugin depending on the env variable:

const vue2 = require('rollup-plugin-vue2')
const vue = require('rollup-plugin-vue')

// ...
let vuePlugin
if (process.env.ROLLUP_VUE_VERSION === '2') {
  vuePlugin = vue2(/* options ... */)
} else {
 vuePlugin = vue(/* options ... */)

// ...

plugins: [

The above is untested, so likely needs some tweaking, but should be a valid roadpath for achieving your desired behaviour.

alvarosabu commented 3 years ago

Hi @LinusBorg thanks for the quick response, if you like let's follow the thread here since this one was created incorrectly.