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Enter the secondary page link, and the page content is displayed incorrectly #1668

Closed NoiseFan closed 1 year ago

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Directly accessing the three-tier link in the browser will directly display the content of the home page


Direct access in browser Recurrence address


Expected behavior

Open the specified page content without displaying the home page content

System Info

    OS: Linux 5.4 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
    CPU: (2) x64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8255C CPU @ 2.50GHz
    Memory: 2.00 GB / 3.84 GB
    Container: Yes
    Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 18.4.0 - /usr/bin/node
    npm: 8.13.1 - /usr/local/bin/npm

Additional context

No response


brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Can you share its code? Also please specify which VitePress version are you using.

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago


NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

It can be reproduced in the production environment, but it is no problem in the development environment

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

I just upgraded vitepress v1.0.0-alpha.29, but this problem still exists

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Seems like an issue with the formatting of your markdown. If I format it to this, then everything work as expected:

Code `````md # 逻辑表达式 ## 概述 逻辑表达式可进行取值、运算、判断三个功能,更为重要的是满足较为复杂的判断场景。 ### 使用场景 1. 取值:例如在获取舞台上任意元素属性值到文本上 2. 运算:多个文本的累加计算 3. 判断:`提交表单`配合`本地数据`功能时来控制提交次数 4. 判断:制作接东西案例时判断目标物体和期望物体是否被接到 ## 取值 获取命名元素的属性,例如文本取值、位置、高度、颜色等属性 ### 基础语法 ```js {{ obj.text }} // {{物体名称.属性}} ``` ::: danger :heavy_exclamation_mark: 逻辑表达式必须使用英文符号 ::: #### 常用属性 | 语法 | 含义 | | ---------- | ---------------- | | `` | a 物体上坐标 | | `a.left` | a 物体的左坐标 | | `a.height` | a 物体的高度 | | `a.width` | a 物体的宽度 | | `a.text` | a 物体的文本取值 | #### 其他属性 | 语法 | 含义 | | --------------- | --------------------------- | | `` | a 物体的 ID | | `a.alpha` | a 物体的透明度 | | `a.background` | a 物体的背景颜色,rgba 数值 | | `a.rotate` | a 物体的 Z 轴旋转角度 | | `a.rotateX` | a 物体的 X 轴旋转角度 | | `a.rotateY` | a 物体的 Y 轴旋转角度 | | `a.scaleX` | a 物体的 X 轴缩放 | | `a.scaleY` | a 物体的 Y 轴缩放 | | `a.scrollSpeed` | a 段落的滚动速度 | | `a.src` | a(图、音、视频)的链接 URL | ::: info `a.scrollSpeed`必须开启段落的`文字超出时`滚动的选项 ::: ## 算术运算符 算术运算符主要是常见的基础运算符符号,更为复杂的运算符,例如位运算符需使用`JacaScript`进行书写 | 符号 | 含义 | | ---- | ------------ | | + | 加号 | | - | 减号 | | \* | 乘号 | | / | 除号 | | % | 取模(余数) | ### 示例 ```js // 数值和数值的运算 1 + 1 // 2 // 数值和数字的运算 1 + {{a.text}} // 1加上a的文本取值 // 数值和数字的运算 {{a.text}} + {{b.text}} // a的文本取值加上b的文本取值 // 拼接字符 {{a.text}}{{b.text}} // a的文本拼接b的文本 ``` ::: tip 在运算过程中以加法举例,数字+数字得到的结果是两数之和,数字加字符和字符加字符的结果是拼接字符 ::: ## 逻辑运算符 在逻辑表达式中核心就是逻辑运算符,通过逻辑运算符可以制作较为复杂逻辑判断,支持两个或多个值不同条件的判断,更为复杂的请期待[高级教程](/senior/)的介绍。 | 符号 | 含义 | | ---- | -------- | | == | 等于 | | !== | 不等于 | | != | 不等于 | | >= | 大于等于 | | <= | 小于等于 | | > | 大于 | | < | 小于 | | \|\| | 或 | | && | 并且 | ### 返回值 逻辑运算符返回值是`Boolean`类型,作用在行为的`执行条件 - 逻辑表达式`,或取值中使用 ```js // 例如 a = 1 b = 1 {{a.text}} == {{b.text}} // 返回值为true {{a.text}} !== {{b.text}} // 返回值为false ``` ### 基础逻辑运算示例 逻辑表达式支持变量与变量的判断,也同时支持变量与值进行判断 ```js // 等于逻辑运算 {{a.text}} == {{b.text}} // 变量与变量的判断 // 不等于逻辑运算 {{a.text}} !== 1 // 变量与值进行判断 // 小于逻辑运算 {{a.text}} < {{b.text}} // 大于等于逻辑运算 {{a.text}} >= {{b.text}} ``` ### 复合逻辑运算 支持两个或多个表达式同时进行判断 ```js // 或者逻辑运算 {{a.text}} == 1 || {{b.text}} == {{d.text}} // 满足任意条件即返回true // 并且逻辑运算 {{a.text}} == {{b.text}} && {{c.text}} == 3 // 满足全部条件即返回true ``` ## 实操案例 ### 移入移出案例 该案例是判断小球位置是否在指定区域内,通过分情况讨论的方式,将复杂的逻辑判断拆分多段表达式。尝试练习本次案例,相信你能更熟练的掌握逻辑表达式的使用方法 `````
NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your reply. I'll try

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Seems like the main error was * being not escaped inside the table, which was messing up the parsing.


NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

I deleted the md file and the problem still exists after rebuilding.

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

Please try this link

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Looks like you made the code private (or deleted the repo)? Have you tried formatting your docs/advanced/ file? You can use prettier for that.

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

I'll try again

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

I delete all the pages and keep a new md file, which can still be reproduced

Take a look at the debugger branch

zRains commented 1 year ago



NoiseFan commented 1 year ago


Can it be related to Nginx configuration?

NoiseFan commented 1 year ago

location / { root xxx/docs/.vitepress/dist/; index index.html; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; }

zRains commented 1 year ago


For it to work, your server must serve the generated page on requesting the URL (see above table) without a redirect.


yyx990803 commented 1 year ago

看起来是 cleanUrls 的问题,需要确保服务器配置正确。