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docs: added nginx deployment documentation #3770

Closed florian-sattler closed 2 weeks ago

florian-sattler commented 2 weeks ago

Added nginx deployment documentation as discussed in #3756 with some links for further reading.

brc-dd commented 1 day ago

This doesn't handle the case of removing trailing slash. /foo/bar/ should also check for /foo/bar.html when cleanUrls is enabled.

florian-sattler commented 1 day ago

@brc-dd Yes indeed. Removing the trailing slash by redirecting also has downsides:

Using the currently described setup:

I'm currently on vacation, so I couldn't test the behavior when there is a folder (example/) along a file with the same name (example.html). This might indeed break.

Did I miss a (easy) way to handle this?

brc-dd commented 1 day ago

I don't think that blog post is doing things correctly. They are doing 301 redirects while vitepress explicitly states you need rewrites for cleanUrls to work (rewrites here are different than nginx rewrite directive). Rewrite basically means serving the page without doing 301/302. I'll try and update the configuration to handle that case. Basically all these cases need to be handled - (the "both" test case there is ambiguous and left out to implementation. One needs to do what Netlify is doing for cleanUrls to work properly)

meduzen commented 1 day ago

Hi! Author of the article here.

What I do

I don't think that blog post is doing things correctly. They are doing 301 redirects while vitepress explicitly states you need rewrites for cleanUrls to work (rewrites here are different than nginx rewrite directive)

Actually I do both. My goal is that the user is always on the canonical (no trailing / nor .html), so:

For example, to serve the file at

(And I also want all URLs to work without JavaScript in the browser. But in a way or another, static site generators have their limits, and looking at what hosting service do, there are redirects and URL inconsistencies (user point of view) in most clean URLs scenarios. So choices have to be made and URL consistency is very important for me.)


Since I provide a <meta name="canonical"> I could just skip the redirects, but it seems not easy with Nginx to cover all use cases, like for example the one you describe:

This doesn't handle the case of removing trailing slash. /foo/bar/ should also check for /foo/bar.html when cleanUrls is enabled.

I can’t have this without first getting rid of the trailing slash with a redirect. And then it creates more issues if. More on this in next section.

Testing domain and branch

To help with testing purpose, I opened a branch and a new subdomain:

When doing this:

I also tested with rewrite ^(.+)/+$ $1; (remove trailing slash) to enable the use case quoted in the previous section (/foo/bar/): it works fine in all scenarios, but:

(This is not the config live on the test. subdomain but I can enable it if you want to have a look.)

Let me know if you would like to test specific things.