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'#nav-screen-content-after' does not work when screen width between [768,1280) #3773

Open fiwalld opened 2 weeks ago

fiwalld commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Hi there,

I want to extend the default theme layout by using '#nav-screen-content-after' slot, but if the screen size is between [768,1280) px, '#nav-screen-content-after' slot does not work. I suppose all nav slots don't work when the window resize to [768,1280) px. Please help fix the issue.



1.Add '#nav-screen-content-after' layout slot according to 2.Resize screen to [768,1280) px. 3.Nav layout slot component will disappear.

Expected behavior

Resize screen to [768,1280) px and the added layout slot component should be still exist.

System Info

    OS: macOS 14.3.1
    Node: 21.7.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.7.1/bin/node
    npm: 10.5.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.7.1/bin/npm
    pnpm: 8.15.5 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.7.1/bin/pnpm
    Chrome: 123.0.6312.107
    Safari: 17.3.1
    vitepress: ^1.1.0 => 1.1.0

Additional context

No response


brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago

nav screen is this area (the mobile nav menu):


why would that slot be shown on larger viewports? (and it's not shown on 1280+ width too) Can you explain what are you trying to do?

fiwalld commented 2 weeks ago

Add 'test' to '#nav-screen-content-after' slot, it shows under web and mobile width. But it can't show when the width is between [768,1280), please check the snapshots below:

'test' shows


'test' shows


'test' does not show


brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago

Add 'test' to '#nav-screen-content-after' slot, it shows under web and mobile width.

No it doesn't. It is only shown on mobile when expanded -

image image
fiwalld commented 2 weeks ago

'#nav-bar-content-after' also not work, so the question will be how can I add custom component after the nav content when the windows resize to [768,1280)?

fiwalld commented 2 weeks ago

No it doesn't. It is only shown on mobile when expanded -

Hi, please check below snapshot about '#nav-bar-content-after'. Any updates? Is it a bug or a new feature need to be done? Thanks! tablet

brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago

you can do something like this -,docs%2F.vitepress%2Ftheme%2FFoo.vue ?

fiwalld commented 2 weeks ago

you can do something like this -,docs%2F.vitepress%2Ftheme%2FFoo.vue ?

Hi, that is not what I want. I think the foo menu should be folded to the bottom of pop up menus as below when the widow is between [768,1280), any suggetions? aaa