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Templates / Variables for Markdown File Inclusion #3787

Closed d-koppenhagen closed 2 weeks ago

d-koppenhagen commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I have a documentation page, where I want to include a markdown template in multiple pages. This template is basically always the same but some words should be replaced.

Describe the solution you'd like

Let's assume we have a markdown file which includes the template and sets the variable values:

<!--@include: ./{3,}[name='John Doe',prefix=App]-->

The template could look like:

# Hello {{name}}

export class {{prefix}}Component {}

An in the end it should be rendered like:

# Hello John Doe

export class AppComponent {}

### Describe alternatives you've considered

_No response_

### Additional context

_No response_

### Validations

- [X] Follow our [Code of Conduct](
- [X] Read the [docs](
- [X] Read the [Contributing Guidelines](
- [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that asks for the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago

Ah just defineProps in your template markdown and import it instead of using file inclusion.

d-koppenhagen commented 2 weeks ago

Can you give me an example?

brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago,

fjun99 commented 2 weeks ago,


d-koppenhagen commented 2 weeks ago

Awesome! This solution is way better than my suggestion. Thanks for your help.

fjun99 commented 2 weeks ago

@brc-dd This is fantastic.

I happened to be writing a VitePress 101 tutorial from morning till night today. I incorporated your technique into the advanced techniques collection just now.

Currently, this tutorial is only available in Chinese. I will consider translating the entire series into English after refining it.

You might be able to view it through browser translation.

  1. advanced techniques collection :

The 10-part tutorial:

fjun99 commented 2 weeks ago

@brc-dd thanks for your kind help in vitepress issue discussion.

brc-dd commented 2 weeks ago

@fjun99 It'll be better if you set lang: 'zh-Hans' in your .vitepress/config.ts. Browsers will then show translation prompt automatically.

fjun99 commented 2 weeks ago

@fjun99 It'll be better if you set lang: 'zh-Hans' in your .vitepress/config.ts. Browsers will then show translation prompt automatically.

ok, thanks!