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feat: allow collapsible sidebar items #663

Closed brc-dd closed 1 year ago

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

fixes #640

kiaking commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot! As always, I'll adjust a bit on styles since I actually have the design for this toggle feature 😅

But before doing that, I would like to discuss a bit on config option!

First, let's make collapsible -> collapsable, just because VuePress config is this way 👀

Next, I would like to have defaults to open/closed option. So collapsable: true means sidebar group is collapsable. But I think it would be helpful to have option to set if the collapsable group is open by default, or closed by default.

So how about we add 2 options?

export interface SidebarGroup {
  text: string
  items: SidebarItem[]

  // If `false`, toggle button is hidden.
  // Default: true
  collapsible?: boolean

  // If `false`, collapsible group is collapsed by default
  // Default: true
  open?: boolean

What do you think?

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

First, let's make collapsible -> collapsable, just because VuePress config is this way 👀

Its collapsible in their docs:

So how about we add 2 options?


Also, lets keep collapsible false by default. VuePress also has the same.

kiaking commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry for that. I was looking at VuePress v1 doc 😓 Let's go with collapsible 👍

Also, lets keep collapsible false by default. VuePress also has the same.

Gotcha. Sounds perfect 👍

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Changed the interface to this:

  export interface SidebarGroup {
    text: string
    items: SidebarItem[]
    // If `true`, toggle button is shown.
    // Default: false
    collapsible?: boolean
    // If `true`, collapsible group is collapsed by default.
    // Default: false
    collapsed?: boolean

There is a certain issue with current implementation. When a group is collapsed by default, how do we get the items height for smooth transition? Currently, I am setting collapsed on mount, which is causing a flash on reload.

kiaking commented 1 year ago

Changed the interface to this:

Nice! I like collapsed much better 👍

There is a certain issue with current implementation. When a group is collapsed by default, how do we get the items height for smooth transition? Currently, I am setting collapsed on mount, which is causing a flash on reload.

I was thinking to not have smooth animation and just pop open/close 😅 I think it's not possible (at least in an easy way). So I would say for now go with no animation... until we find out some cool technique.

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

@kiaking You removed props.collapsible checks too. Now, even if someone hasn't set collapsible (or has set false), one can just click the title to toggle.

kiaking commented 1 year ago

Woops, will fix right away 👍

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

This should fix that:

const collapsed = ref(props.collapsible && props.collapsed)

function toggle() {
  if (!props.collapsible) return
  collapsed.value = !collapsed.value

Also, one will be able to always click the title as you've set role="button". Perhaps make it dynamic? Since role is button, these styles aren't needed:

.VPSidebarGroup.collapsible .title {
  cursor: pointer;
kiaking commented 1 year ago

Ah... good point. Hmmm, yeah let's only add role="button" also when assigning collapsible too.

kiaking commented 1 year ago

Fixed! 🎉 Thank you so much for your review! 🙏

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

One last one 😅: These horizontal borders are not aligned when scrollbar is shown:


Setting this (inside src\client\theme-default\components\VPSidebar.vue:116), should fix this:

@media (min-width: 960px) {
  .group {
    width: calc(var(--vp-sidebar-width) - 64px);
kiaking commented 1 year ago

Good catch! Thanks 😳 I'll push the fix now 👍

hyp530 commented 1 year ago

When a user enters a specific page, the corresponding SidebarGroup should open automatically (with other SidebarGroups collapsed), and even scroll to the exact sidebar location. Otherwise, a user would definitely get lost in the sidebar, when there're a lot of pages.

Wondering if you could add this feature? @kiaking

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

@hyp530 Yeah we can add that. Let's track it at #952