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Allow images to be zoomed in on click #854

Open noClaps opened 1 year ago

noClaps commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Usually when someone is reading a blog or documentation, there will be images to help explain the content better to the reader, such as screenshots. Sometimes if the screenshot itself is too small, users can click on the image to zoom in, and click on it again to zoom out.

Describe the solution you'd like

I'd like a way for images to be zoomed in on click, and on clicking the image again, zooming back out to the content.

Describe alternatives you've considered

There is medium-zoom, which was integrated into VuePress v2. There is also Lightbox.

I would have used these libraries, but I am not that good at JavaScript and using NPM, so I wouldn't know how to integrate them into my VitePress site, or if they even can be integrated.

Additional context

No response


brc-dd commented 1 year ago

if they even can be integrated

Yeah sure it can be, and its quite easy too. Just run npm i medium-zoom and then you can do stuff like this:

# Hey There


<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import mediumZoom from 'medium-zoom';

onMounted(() => {
  mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });

.medium-zoom-overlay {
  z-index: 20;

.medium-zoom-image {
  z-index: 21;

Here is a demo:

noClaps commented 1 year ago

Hmm, alright, I'll try it out. Is there a way to apply this globally? One way I can think of is using the index.js file, but I don't know how to implement it that way.

Also, will this feature be added to VitePress? If not, you can close the issue.

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to apply this globally?

In next version you'll be able to add a setup function in theme (added this in #856 itself). I'll update the demo once it is available.

hooray commented 1 year ago

Need this feature too, looking forward to the next version

hooray commented 1 year ago

@noClaps At this time, you can use globally like this:

// index.js
import Theme from 'vitepress/theme'
import ZoomImg from './components/ZoomImg.vue'

export default {
    enhanceApp({ app }) {
        app.component('ZoomImg', ZoomImg)
<!-- ZoomImg.vue -->

<script setup>
import { withBase } from 'vitepress'
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import mediumZoom from 'medium-zoom'

    src: String

const imgRef = ref(null)

onMounted(() => {
    mediumZoom(imgRef.value, { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });

    <img ref="imgRef" :src="withBase(src)">

.medium-zoom-overlay {
    z-index: 20;
.medium-zoom-image {
    z-index: 21;

now you can use <ZoomImg src="/some-img.png" /> to replace ![](/some-img.png)

ywmail commented 1 year ago

@hooray I updated my theme/index.ts to import ZoomImg, it works fine in dev mode but breaks in build mode. Vitepress cannot handle the img assets in build mode, the image file doesn't be copied to the dist folder and the src of img tag doesn't be transformed.

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

I've updated the example, you now can simply do:

// .vitepress/theme/index.js

import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme';
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import mediumZoom from 'medium-zoom';

import './index.css';

export default {
  setup() {
    onMounted(() => {
      mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });
/* .vitepress/theme/index.css */

.medium-zoom-overlay {
  z-index: 20;

.medium-zoom-image {
  z-index: 21;

Then in markdown:


If you want to enable this for all images without explicitly adding {data-zoomable}, you can change that mediumZoom call to this:

mediumZoom('.main img', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });
ekil1100 commented 1 year ago

@brc-dd I tried this method, it is not working when comes from another route. Need to refresh page to make it work.

brc-dd commented 1 year ago

Ah, I'll look into that. Might need to initialise medium-zoom inside a watcher.

Zhengqbbb commented 1 year ago

Ah, I'll look into that. Might need to initialise medium-zoom inside a watcher.

My website's medium-zoom use wacher.

    () => router.route.path,
    () => nextTick(() => zoom.refresh()),

About medium-zoom usage. Can see:

arcqiufeng commented 1 year ago

Here is a demo:

I followed the demo and got it works. But only a little problem:

When I open my page first it doesn't work. Then I press F5 to refresh the page, then I will get the zoom function.

Why it can't work when first open the page?

Graysonnwu commented 1 year ago

Here is a demo:

I followed the demo and got it works. But only a little problem:

When I open my page first it doesn't work. Then I press F5 to refresh the page, then I will get the zoom function.

Why it can't work when first open the page?

Does this help you? -->

// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme';
import { onMounted, watch, nextTick } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vitepress';
import mediumZoom from 'medium-zoom';

import './index.css';

export default {

  setup() {
    const route = useRoute();
    const initZoom = () => {
      new mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' }); // Should there be a new?
      // new mediumZoom('.main img', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });
    onMounted(() => {
      () => route.path,
      () => nextTick(() => initZoom())

I don't know much about coding, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

It works for me though.

arcqiufeng commented 1 year ago

I don't know much about coding, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

It works for me though.

Does this help you? -->

It really helps. I know very little about JavaScript.

Thank you very much for your help. Now it worked like a charm.

Much appreciated!

cedeber commented 1 year ago


      new mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' }); // Should there be a new?

Thanks, first. The new here is indeed wrong, as mediumZoom is not a Class but just a function that returns an object with some functions in it. So that you can chain them or use them later.

arcqiufeng commented 1 year ago


      new mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' }); // Should there be a new?

Thanks, first. The new here is indeed wrong, as mediumZoom is not a Class but just a function that returns an object with some functions in it. So that you can chain them or use them later.

Can you tell me how to correct the code? I know little about javascript? Just remove the word "new"?

cedeber commented 1 year ago

Yes, just remove the new keyword.

jackloves111 commented 7 months ago

Cool. It indeed work normally, and the summary is as follows:

vitepress 实现,单击时图片放大,再次单击图像时图片缩小的功能

npm i medium-zoom

you now can simply do:

// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme';
import { onMounted, watch, nextTick } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vitepress';
import mediumZoom from 'medium-zoom';

import './index.css';

export default {

  setup() {
    const route = useRoute();
    const initZoom = () => {
      mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' }); 
      // mediumZoom('.main img', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });
    onMounted(() => {
      () => route.path,
      () => nextTick(() => initZoom())
/* .vitepress/theme/index.css */

.medium-zoom-overlay {
  z-index: 20;

.medium-zoom-image {
  z-index: 21;

Then in markdown:

// docs/


If you want to enable this for all images without explicitly adding , you can change that call to this:{data-zoomable}``mediumZoom

// .vitepress/theme/index.js

mediumZoom('.main img', { background: 'var(--vp-c-bg)' });
cruvie commented 6 months ago

wait this feature added to VitePress

miyuesc commented 2 months ago

This is a very useful feature, we can hardly wait.😄

RaniAgus commented 1 month ago

Quick update: with the latest versions the z-index values have increased 😄

.medium-zoom-overlay {
  z-index: 30;

.medium-zoom-image--opened {
  z-index: 31;
QC2168 commented 1 month ago

solved my problem! thanks you