vuejs / vue-component-compiler

Compile a single file Vue component into a CommonJS module.
MIT License
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less 不支持 @import #18

Closed chaoren1641 closed 9 years ago

chaoren1641 commented 9 years ago


Error: './style/mixin.less' wasn't found. Tried - .


yyx990803 commented 9 years ago

目前在使用 vueify 的时候 import path 不是相对于文件,而是相对于你的构建工具运行目录的。建议改用 webpack + vue-loader,对于 import 的支持更好。

chaoren1641 commented 9 years ago

OK,已经解决了。目前换webpack + vue-loader,感觉需要点成本。有空再研究,多谢 :)

miaotaizi commented 8 years ago

@yyx990803 你好, webpack + vue-loader 能import 其他package中的less 文件? 有相关的example不

seekwe commented 6 years ago

@yyx990803 @znck Excuse me this problem for a long time, now, what's the solution under the rollup

znck commented 6 years ago

@seekwe I see, your issue is related to rollup. Could you please write this in English?