vuejs / vue-component-compiler

Compile a single file Vue component into a CommonJS module.
MIT License
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add another css preprocessor support: myth #7

Closed txchen closed 9 years ago

txchen commented 9 years ago

Hi, I am trying to learn how to use vue component and I hope it can support myth as well. Please let me know if you are open to add more support in vueify, like myth, typescript, 6to5, etc. Thanks!

yyx990803 commented 9 years ago

Nice work! Thanks :)

txchen commented 9 years ago

Thanks for merging it:) May I know when it would be pushed to npm? What's the releasing schedule and frequency?

yyx990803 commented 9 years ago

I'm on vacation until mid January, will do releases after I come back to normal work schedule :)