Using as key will provide a unique and comparable* identifier in relation to history navigation allowing back/forward navigation to be detected and used to define transition directions (slide left/right) etc.... and maybe it could be the first step in having vue-router provide this information out of the box :-)
*the current key does not ensure increment upon re-enter.
A quick detection example based on as key:
// direction
// -1 = history.back
// 0 = normal route
// 1 = history.forward
let direction = 0;
// key value of the from route (0 = entering)
let fromKey = 0;
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// add state in case it's missing
if(!history.state) { history.replaceState({key: },, location.href); }
// get state key from history
const toKey = history.state.key;
// if we are entering or the from and to keys (time-stamps) are identical => normal route
// if from is less than to – to was created after from => history.forward
// if from is less than to – to was created before from => history.back
direction = !fromKey || fromKey === toKey ? 0 : fromKey < toKey ? 1 : -1;
// call next
router.afterEach((to, from) => {
// use nextTick to await key to be generated
Vue.nextTick(vm => {
// save key for next beforeEach
fromKey = history.state.key;
What does the proposed API look like?
function genKey () {
return // current fallback
What problem does this feature solve?
Using as key will provide a unique and comparable* identifier in relation to history navigation allowing back/forward navigation to be detected and used to define transition directions (slide left/right) etc.... and maybe it could be the first step in having vue-router provide this information out of the box :-)
*the current key does not ensure increment upon re-enter.
A quick detection example based on as key:
What does the proposed API look like?