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The callback "done" doesn't work correctly in transition. #8703

Closed IPospelova closed 6 years ago

IPospelova commented 6 years ago



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

  1. The callback done doesn't work. When click on step, the animation on the next step, start before animation end on previous step.(check the link
  2. Why after click on step and animation end of the first step, it still visible on the screen (v-if="step === 1", but data step changed to value 2)

What is expected?

I expected, when you click on step is to see animation step by step, becouse i use callback done. (animation on step 2 start after animaiton on step 1 is completly)

What is actually happening?

  1. The animation is overlay of each other.
  2. After animation end, and data for v-if changed elements still visible on the screen

Please tell me this is a bug, or am I do something doing wrong :)

posva commented 6 years ago

For some reason, Velocity is not calling the done callback. This is pretty much a question disguised as an issue 😛 If you want only one to be visible make sure to put everything under the same transition and change the mode to out-in

Please, next time consider using the forum, the Discord server or StackOverflow for questions first. But feel free to come back and open an issue if it turns out to be a bug 🙂

IPospelova commented 6 years ago

Hello Eduardo :) Look i wrote on forum but nobody answer :( I check once again use GreenSock (GSAP) - with mode="out-in" But the problem still here, next animation start before previous end, please give me a minute of your work time, and little help me :)