vuejs / vuepress

📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
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代码块不识别语言名 #1274

Closed asukaminato0721 closed 5 years ago

asukaminato0721 commented 5 years ago

Bug report



Steps to reproduce


TableForm[pts = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {5, 2}]]
row[{x_, y_}] := {1, x, y, x y, x^2, y^2}
Det@Prepend[row /@ pts, row[{x, y}]]

然后yarn install && yarn start

What is expected?


What is actually happening?

出现了提示:Language does not exist mathematica C++也是同理

Other relevant information

asukaminato0721 commented 5 years ago

TableForm[pts = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {5, 2}]]
row[{x_, y_}] := {1, x, y, x y, x^2, y^2}
Det@Prepend[row /@ pts, row[{x, y}]]

ulivz commented 5 years ago

Here are all supported languages:

Full List - Markup - markup, html, xml, svg, mathml - CSS - css - C-like - clike - JavaScript - javascript, js - ABAP - abap - ActionScript - actionscript - Ada - ada - Apache Configuration - apacheconf - APL - apl - AppleScript - applescript - Arduino - arduino - ARFF - arff - AsciiDoc - asciidoc, adoc - 6502 Assembly - asm6502 - ASP.NET (C#) - aspnet - AutoHotkey - autohotkey - AutoIt - autoit - Bash - bash, shell - BASIC - basic - Batch - batch - Bison - bison - Brainfuck - brainfuck - Bro - bro - C - c - C# - csharp, dotnet - C++ - cpp - CIL - cil - CoffeeScript - coffeescript - Clojure - clojure - Crystal - crystal - Content-Security-Policy - csp - CSS Extras - css-extras - D - d - Dart - dart - Diff - diff - Django/Jinja2 - django, jinja2 - Docker - docker, dockerfile - Eiffel - eiffel - Elixir - elixir - Elm - elm - ERB - erb - Erlang - erlang - F# - fsharp - Flow - flow - Fortran - fortran - G-code - gcode - GEDCOM - gedcom - Gherkin - gherkin - Git - git - GLSL - glsl - GameMaker Language - gml, gamemakerlanguage - Go - go - GraphQL - graphql - Groovy - groovy - Haml - haml - Handlebars - handlebars - Haskell - haskell - Haxe - haxe - HCL - hcl - HTTP - http - HTTP Public-Key-Pins - hpkp - HTTP Strict-Transport-Security - hsts - IchigoJam - ichigojam - Icon - icon - Inform 7 - inform7 - Ini - ini - Io - io - J - j - Java - java - Java stack trace - javastacktrace - Jolie - jolie - JSON - json, jsonp - Julia - julia - Keyman - keyman - Kotlin - kotlin - LaTeX - latex - Less - less - Liquid - liquid - Lisp - lisp, emacs, elisp, emacs-lisp - LiveScript - livescript - LOLCODE - lolcode - Lua - lua - Makefile - makefile - Markdown - markdown - Markup templating - markup-templating - MATLAB - matlab - MEL - mel - Mizar - mizar - Monkey - monkey - N1QL - n1ql - N4JS - n4js, n4jsd - Nand To Tetris HDL - nand2tetris-hdl - NASM - nasm - nginx - nginx - Nim - nim - Nix - nix - NSIS - nsis - Objective-C - objectivec - OCaml - ocaml - OpenCL - opencl - Oz - oz - PARI/GP - parigp - Parser - parser - Pascal - pascal, objectpascal - Perl - perl - PHP - php - PHP Extras - php-extras - PL/SQL - plsql - PowerShell - powershell - Processing - processing - Prolog - prolog - .properties - properties - Protocol Buffers - protobuf - Pug - pug - Puppet - puppet - Pure - pure - Python - python - Q (kdb+ database) - q - Qore - qore - R - r - React JSX - jsx - React TSX - tsx - Ren'py - renpy - Reason - reason - reST (reStructuredText) - rest - Rip - rip - Roboconf - roboconf - Ruby - ruby - Rust - rust - SAS - sas - Sass (Sass) - sass - Sass (Scss) - scss - Scala - scala - Scheme - scheme - Smalltalk - smalltalk - Smarty - smarty - SQL - sql - Soy (Closure Template) - soy - Stylus - stylus - Swift - swift - TAP - tap - Tcl - tcl - Textile - textile - TOML - toml - Template Toolkit 2 - tt2 - Twig - twig - TypeScript - typescript, ts - Vala - vala - VB.Net - vbnet - Velocity - velocity - Verilog - verilog - VHDL - vhdl - vim - vim - Visual Basic - visual-basic, vb - WebAssembly - wasm - Wiki markup - wiki - Xeora - xeora, xeoracube - Xojo (REALbasic) - xojo - XQuery - xquery - YAML - yaml

And here is related issue:

BTW, next time I suggest you open an issue by English so anybody can answer, you will also benefit from this :)

dodocoera commented 5 years ago

Here are all supported languages: Full List

And here is related issue: PrismJS/prism#1647

BTW, next time I suggest you open an issue by English so anybody can answer, you will also benefit from this :)

Thanks for your answer, I make a mistake.

9monsters commented 5 years ago

Language does not exist c++

ulivz commented 5 years ago

@NineSwordsMonster You should use cpp instead of c++.