vuejs / vuepress

📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
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Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method. #1692

Closed Luxiaoshi closed 5 years ago

Luxiaoshi commented 5 years ago

Bug report

Steps to reproduce

What is expected?

What is actually happening?

Other relevant information

When I develop my docs in development environment, it is ok. When i build it and put it on my server with nginx, it is also ok. However when i refresh the page with routes like this It has the error below image

MaxHershey commented 5 years ago

I'm getting the same issue. It appears to be related to the SearchBox Component perhaps?

Luxiaoshi commented 5 years ago

I have resolved this question, which i have wrong nginx config.

MaxHershey commented 4 years ago

I have resolved this question, which i have wrong nginx config.

Do you mind me asking what the config issue was?

busyrat commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem, and then I found out it had to do with document


  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // add this line
hugojing commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem, and then I found out it had to do with document


  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // add this line

I have no enhanceApp.js file and no nginx, but still have this issue.

agrass-GitHub commented 4 years ago

how to solve problems ?

thaycacac commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem.

cwaring commented 4 years ago

I also noticed this issue appear once I enabled the PWA plugin, so it may be related to the caching. If I find the root cause I'll report back here.

haoranpb commented 4 years ago

Can anyone who encounters this problem build a minimal reproduction?

Or describe how to reproduce the problem?

hugojing commented 4 years ago

Can anyone who encounters this problem build a minimal reproduction?

Or describe how to reproduce the problem?

You can see this:

Code repo:

haoranpb commented 4 years ago

Thx for your repo @hugojing ,

In your case, simply change all of the [<h2>***</h2>](***) into ## [***](***) will solve the problem.

I don't know if others are suffering from this problem because of the similar reason, but I suggest you all double check your HTML syntax in your corresponding page.

If anyone still can't fix this problem, pls provide a minimal reproduction or describe how to reproduce the problem.

binnymaster commented 4 years ago

Hey I'm also getting same error, My application is based on vue.js Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 2 52 15 PM

lucduong commented 4 years ago

@Luxiaoshi Could you share the nginx config? I got the same error and figured out it related to nginx. But Don't know how to fix this.

rwpswami commented 4 years ago

I am still getting this issue. Anybody got solution on this?

mashpie commented 4 years ago

Just a hint: Another common mistake is to use dynamic vue components that should render client side but forget to ignore them in static builds... 99% of those issues in our projects were missing <ClientOnly>. So try:


and read

gcharang commented 4 years ago

Leaving a comment here in case someone else made the same mistake as me. Using an XML comment like: <!-- Comment --> inside a markdown table in a .md file used by Vuepress causes this error as well

vikrantmagare6 commented 4 years ago

Just a hint: Another common mistake is to use dynamic vue components that should render client side but forget to ignore them in static builds... 99% of those issues in our projects were missing <ClientOnly>. So try:


and read

I also have same issue in my case it on v-html example :

so I just wrap it it resolve

vikrantmagare6 commented 4 years ago

I also have same issue in my case it on v-html example : <p v-html="item.description">

so I just wrap it it resolve <client-only> <p v-html="item.description"></p> </client-only>

beMySun commented 3 years ago

Just a hint: Another common mistake is to use dynamic vue components that should render client side but forget to ignore them in static builds... 99% of those issues in our projects were missing <ClientOnly>. So try:


and read

YES, it works ! 💗

kane50613 commented 2 years ago

still having the problem

but it only happened when it deploy to production enviorement I didnt get any error when running in local enviorement image

kane50613 commented 2 years ago

still having the problem

but it only happened when it deploy to production enviorement I didnt get any error when running in local enviorement image

resolved, same as nuxt/nuxt.js#1552 disable cloudflare auto minify worked for me image

huangzonggui commented 2 years ago

When I wrote a typo on the header of document, the development environment was normal, but the error burst after deployment image

beMySun commented 2 years ago

Hello!  Your E-mail has been recieved and I will respond you as soon as possible.Best wishes! 

bit15k commented 2 years ago


FanSirSan commented 2 years ago


try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

littlegreay commented 2 years ago

how to solve the problem,it does not solve the problem

littlegreay commented 2 years ago


ctrlaltdylan commented 2 years ago

Just adding to this thread, I'm experiencing this same issue with Vercel as the host.

However, it's very strange, I have run the build locally with a simple express server:

import express from "express";
const app = express();

app.use("/", express.static("docs/.vuepress/dist"));


And the site works completely fine.

It's only on Vercel preview deployments where this bug occurs. And it's only on page refreshes, not on initial load.

There's no server side components running on the site, and the enhanceApp.js was fully commented out as a test, no change.

Will report back when I learn more.

oleksandr-dukhovnyy commented 1 year ago

Carefully check your syntax in MD files and the correctness of the names of the values in the configuration. If there are errors in the MD and configuration, the build proceeds normally, without errors, but the build contains errors that cause this exception. In my case, I had the wrong path in config.js > themeConfig > logo

cyanar commented 1 year ago

I have resolved this problem. In my case I change the syntax in the related makdown file and it works

beMySun commented 1 year ago

Hello!  Your E-mail has been recieved and I will respond you as soon as possible.Best wishes! 

PowersYang commented 9 months ago

I solved this question by change nginx config from try_files $uri /index.html to try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html. Final results like:

server {
    # omit
    # try_files $uri /index.html;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;