vuejs / vuepress

📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
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Using vuepress1.9.10 in an existing project in vue2.6.6, the console reports an error: Cannot create property 'top' on boolean 'true' #3219

Open geniyangge opened 1 month ago

geniyangge commented 1 month ago

Bug report

Using vuepress1.9.10 in an existing project in vue2.6.6, the console reports an error: Cannot create property 'top' on boolean 'true'. And vue2.6.6 does not work with any version of vuepress ,unless you change the vue version.


Steps to reproduce

"dependencies": { "vue": "2.6.6" }, "devDependencies": { "vue-server-renderer": "2.6.6", "vue-template-compiler": "2.6.6", "vuepress": "1.9.10" }

What is expected?

What is actually happening?

Other relevant information