vuejs / vuex-observable

Consume Vuex actions as Observables using RxJS 5
MIT License
155 stars 18 forks source link

Is there any activity on this project? #2

Open robinvdvleuten opened 7 years ago

robinvdvleuten commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

Is there still any activity on this project or what needs to be done to push it forwards?


micheleangioni commented 7 years ago

I'm interested too into a better integration between Vuex and RxJs :)

mccjul commented 7 years ago

Same here. However, I think it would be to clearly define some of the features with issues I think it would get this going. Really would be great to work on this but maybe we should talk about breaking down the todos in the readme?

wh1100717 commented 7 years ago

Refer to , Using Rx observables as state containers is not recommended, but ReactiveX makes asynchronous programming much clear && easy. Making vuex integrated with rxjs would be a powerful solution for complex state && event handler. Hopefully getting fancy news from this repo >_<

MVSICA-FICTA commented 7 years ago

Presently I'm purusing through a wad of RxJS with React/Redux/Angular articles written over the past year. RxJS certainly has much to offer and using Subjects as stores seems okay (behavior or replay types depending on the purpose). Eventually, after tracing through time (the evolving articles) I end up at redux-observable, which is geared toward the processing side of state management.

Reading the guide I noticed that there are planned examples for all major frameworks with the exception of Vue on this page:

Wish I could tear redux-observable apart from it's redux association. The central concept of an epic is powerful but limited in application as it stands. The management/orchestration of actions (epics) should be something available to any framework, optionally with or without using a given frameworks counterpart store/state management solution.

BafS commented 7 years ago

I'm also a big fan of the RxJS/Redux mix. Angular has ngrx and React redux-observable. I really hope that this repo will grow, do you have any plan for the futur @yyx990803 ?

Thanks for all your work :)

MVSICA-FICTA commented 7 years ago

First, looking around I do not think RxJS integration needs to be based on redux-observable, it is just one take among many. However, Vuex in it's present form does not cut it for me and a growing number of others who are waking up to RxJS. It is essentially heavy on the boilerplate without any of the known concepts like Redux reducer integrated. It's only bell and whistle is time travel but that is about it.

The things I'd like to see is better backend integration and the best effort I've seen is feathers-vuex, which wraps each store module in a Feathers service, very nice:

That is a great step but after looking into the Redux reducer flow in all it's variations and then the ngrx store and many other RxJS oriented architectures I am torn about Vuex. I like it's modular structure and general integration with Vue but for state I'd like to have RxJS behavior/replaySubjects and use operators to process state instead of the basic action, mutation and getter ops. Then have a reducer solution that can be exchanged for action or functional based reducing. Below are a few ideas worth considering:

Vuex with an optional RxJS layer and an optional backend layer like feathers-vuex would be outstanding and make it a leader instead of just a follower of yesteryear's patterns :)