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[Performance] Avoid using router-link #1352

Closed Mister-Hope closed 5 months ago

Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

Clear and concise description of the problem

Currently vue-router has serious performance impact on sites with more than 500 pages.

See vue-router source code here:

Each router-link called useLink inside it:

And in useLink heavy calculations are running based on routes object at

just to solve the isActive and isExactActive.

These calculations are because of vue-router dynamic routes (routes can have params), and will likely to map all routes to find a matching one 6 times at least in production (even more in dev for devtools)

While all the links are rendered by router-link in pages, and all internal links in navbar and sitebar all based on router-link, which means we probably have a lot of router-link initialized or recalculated when opening and switching pages.

The are also 3 things to get even worse.

The first thing is that vue-router is not efficiency designed for large amount of routes. Usually people should use dynamic routes when rendering lots of contents from database, so VueRouter won't need to map a looooong routes array to find a matching route. But in VuePress, all routes are static, and to provide redirects for /a/b and /a/ to /a/b.html, we are writing 3 routes for one page into vue-router.

The second one is With this issue, when scrolling pages, plugin-active-hash will trigger the whole route object to update (including hash path fullPath params and others. So every router-link is recalculated to update state, with 18N (3 for similar routes of 1 page and 6 for use link) maps of all routes object. So on mobile devices, frames may lose when scrolling and people will feel stuck.

The third thing is the worse one:

We are not using <router-view>, instead we are loading and mounting the page async on router.beforeResolve. This means the page is changed BEFORE route. Path is updated, so when rendering new page(and mounting its components), old route data is used and then a new route data needs to be recalculated at ones. We are supposed to focusing rerendering page layout components as fast as possible, while we did twice job here.

See as a reproduction, this website has NO additional components in page (plain HTML generated from markdown), while it has 1274 pages and nearly 4000 routes.


Suggested solution

  1. Fix
  2. Fix #1290
  3. Avoid using <router-link, for static paths, all we need is to resolve the string link with router. resolve(link) and compare resolveRoute.path with currentRoute.path, only 1 mapping of routes should be done while calling router. Resolve,

The above lines are not needed, so we should provide a <VPLink> in @vuepress/client and encourage to use this link when developing themes and plugins.

Also we should use a simple link with NO active state to render markdown anchor links:

import {
  type ComputedRef,
  type Ref,
  type SlotsType,
  type VNode,
} from "vue";
import {
  type NavigationFailure,
  type RouteLocation,
} from "vue-router";

const guardEvent = (event: MouseEvent): boolean | void => {
  // don't redirect with control keys
  if (event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) return;
  // don't redirect when preventDefault called
  if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
  // don't redirect on right click
  if (event.button !== undefined && event.button !== 0) return;
  // don't redirect if `target="_blank"`
  if (event.currentTarget) {
    const target = (<HTMLElement>event.currentTarget).getAttribute("target");

    if (target?.match(/\b_blank\b/i)) return;


  return true;

export interface LinkOptions {
  route: ComputedRef<RouteLocation & { href: string }>;
  href: Ref<string>;
  isActive: Ref<boolean>;
  navigate: (event?: MouseEvent) => Promise<void | NavigationFailure>;

export const useLink = (link: string | Ref<string>): LinkOptions => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const currentRoute = useRoute();

  const route = computed(() => router.resolve(unref(link)));

  const isActive = computed<boolean>(
    () => route.value.path === currentRoute.path

  const navigate = (
    event: MouseEvent = {} as MouseEvent
  ): Promise<void | NavigationFailure> =>
    guardEvent(event) ? router.push(unref(link)).catch() : Promise.resolve();

  return {
    href: computed(() => route.value.href),

export const MDLink= defineComponent({
  name: "MDLink",

  props: {
     * Link
    to: {
      type: String,
      required: true,

  slots: Object as SlotsType<{
    default: () => VNode | VNode[];

  setup(props, { slots }) {
    const router = useRouter();
    const to = toRef(props, "to");
    const route = computed(() => router.resolve(link));
    const navigate = (
      event: MouseEvent = {} as MouseEvent
    ): Promise<void | NavigationFailure> =>
      guardEvent(event) ? router.push(link).catch() : Promise.resolve();

    return (): VNode => {
      const children = slots.default && slots.default(linkOptions);

      return h(
          class: "vp-link",
          href: route.value.href,
          onClick: linkOptions.navigate,

export const VPLink = defineComponent({
  name: "VPLink",

  props: {
     * Link
    to: {
      type: String,
      required: true,

  slots: Object as SlotsType<{
    default: (linkOptions: LinkOptions) => VNode | VNode[];

  setup(props, { slots }) {
    const to = toRef(props, "to");
    const linkOptions = useLink(to);

    return (): VNode => {
      const children = slots.default && slots.default(linkOptions);

      return h(
          class: ["vp-link", linkOptions.isActive.value ? "vp-active" : ""],
          href: linkOptions.href.value,
          onClick: linkOptions.navigate,

The MDLink and VPLink do little work comparing with the original <router-link>, and if more aggressively, if we think that using the original link as anchor href is ok (at least I think so), we can even render the component with no cost:

export const PureLink = ({ to }, { slots }) => {
  const router = useRouter()
  const navigate = (
    event: MouseEvent = {} as MouseEvent
  ): Promise<void | NavigationFailure> =>
      guardEvent(event) ? router.push(link).catch() : Promise.resolve();

  return h('a', { class: 'vp-link', href: to, onClick: navigate }, slots.default?.());


No response

Additional context

Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

Additional info:


With 6x slowdown, the expensive job of router.resolve can be easily seen. So though for small sites route meta is ok, for large sites, we may still need to avoid getting information from router as the behavior is mapping array.

@meteorlxy Any suggestions?

Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

@meteorlxy With #1360 #1353 #1357 #1361, performance on my theme docs (304 pages) has up to 500% on scrolling with hash changes and 70% in switching pages