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[Bug report] vue 项目中,引入 src 目录下的 组件 报错 ts(2307) #1377

Closed WangJincheng4869 closed 1 year ago

WangJincheng4869 commented 1 year ago


我是在 vue 项目中使用文档,如果引用 docs\.vuepress\components 下的组件是没有问题的

但是如果 引入 src\components 下的组件就会报错 ts(2307)



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System Info

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.22621
    CPU: (12) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
    Memory: 16.30 GB / 31.56 GB
    Node: 18.14.2 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    Yarn: Not Found
    npm: 9.2.0 - D:\Users\jcwang\AppData\Roaming\npm\npm.CMD
    Git: 2.41.0.
    Chrome: Not Found
    Edge: Spartan (44.22621.1928.0), Chromium (114.0.1823.58)
    @vuepress/bundler-vite: 2.0.0-beta.63 => 2.0.0-beta.63
    @vuepress/plugin-search: Not Found
    @vuepress/plugin-shiki: Not Found
    @vuepress/plugin-theme-data: Not Found
    @vuepress/plugin-toc: Not Found
    @vuepress/shared: Not Found
    @vuepress/theme-default: Not Found
    @vuepress/utils: Not Found
    vue: ^3.3.4 => 3.3.4
    vue-loader: Not Found
    vue-router: ^4.2.2 => 4.2.2
    vuepress: 2.0.0-beta.63 => 2.0.0-beta.63
    vuepress-vite: Not Found
    vuepress-webpack: Not Found
Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

I don't think you have a valid tsconfig, if you want volar to recognize your vue files, you should include them all in tsconfig.json.

This is likely (99.9%) to be an issue that you are not configuring your vue vscode extensions well as they require. So you may ask for help in other places, there is no difference a VuePress projects differs from normal vue projects, the only one you should be aware of is that .vuepress/config.ts and other files it's importing is the same as vite.config.ts which should have node env(@types/node), while other files are running under browsers, which you should enable DOM lib.

WangJincheng4869 commented 1 year ago

I don't think you have a valid tsconfig, if you want volar to recognize your vue files, you should include them all in tsconfig.json.

我尝试加入 docs/**/*.vue 但是没用啊


WangJincheng4869 commented 1 year ago

I don't think you have a valid tsconfig, if you want volar to recognize your vue files, you should include them all in tsconfig.json.

This is likely (99.9%) to be an issue that you are not configuring your vue vscode extensions well as they require. So you may ask for help in other places, there is no difference a VuePress projects differs from normal vue projects, the only one you should be aware of is that .vuepress/config.ts and other files it's importing is the same as vite.config.ts which should have node env(@types/node), while other files are running under browsers, which you should enable DOM lib.


Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

我认为你没有有效的 tsconfig,如果你想让 volar 识别你的 vue 文件,你应该将它们全部包含在 tsconfig.json 中。

这很可能 (99.9%) 是因为您没有按照要求配置 vue vscode 扩展的问题。 所以你可能会在其他地方寻求帮助,VuePress 项目与普通 vue 项目没有区别,你唯一应该注意的是 .vuepress/config.ts 和它导入的其他文件与 vite.config.ts 相同。,应该有 node 环境 (@types/node);而其他文件在浏览器下运行,您应该在 lib 中启用 DOM。

WangJincheng4869 commented 1 year ago

我认为你没有有效的 tsconfig,如果你想让 volar 识别你的 vue 文件,你应该将它们全部包含在 tsconfig.json 中。

这很可能 (99.9%) 是因为您没有按照要求配置 vue vscode 扩展的问题。 所以你可能会在其他地方寻求帮助,VuePress 项目与普通 vue 项目没有区别,你唯一应该注意的是 .vuepress/config.ts 和它导入的其他文件与 vite.config.ts 相同。 ,应该有 node 环境 (@types/node);而其他文件在浏览器下运行,您应该在 lib 中启用 DOM。


Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

Another thing is that Volar do not auto update analyze in all cases, after editing tsconfig.json, d.ts or something related, you should F1 and type volar: restart vue server.

另一件事是 Volar 不会在所有情况下自动更新分析,编辑 tsconfig.json、d.ts 或相关内容后,您应该“F1”并输入“volar: restart vue server”。

WangJincheng4869 commented 1 year ago

Another thing is that Volar do not auto update analyze in all cases, after editing tsconfig.json, d.ts or something related, you should F1 and type volar: restart vue server.

另一件事是 Volar 不会在所有情况下自动更新分析,编辑 tsconfig.json、d.ts 或相关内容后,您应该“F1”并输入“volar: restart vue server”。

非常感谢!原因找到了。但不知道是 Volar 的原因还是 TS 的规则,当使用 docs/**/*.vue 配置时,里面目录名使用 . 开头的都不识别,只要配置为 docs/.vuepress/**/*.vue 就可以了。

Mister-Hope commented 1 year ago

This could be helpful to others