vuestorefront / magento2-vsbridge-indexer

This is official Vue Storefront, native, Magento2 indexer
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vsbridge_product_indexer mview subscription on cataloginventory_stock_status table non-functional after full reindex #385

Open hnsr opened 3 years ago

hnsr commented 3 years ago

When cataloginventory_stock_status is fully reindexed, the table is swapped with a copy for locking/performance reasons. However, due to this, any triggers set on this table are lost. This means the mview subcription for the vsbridge_product_indexer on this table becomes non-functional

Steps to reproduce:

I am unsure what the correct solution is here, maybe subscribing to index tables isn't the best solution here and we should subscribe to the cataloginventory_stock_item table instead, or find a clean way to ensure triggers are recreated