vuestorefront / storefront-api

Storefront GraphQL API Gateway. Modular architecture. ElasticSearch included. Works great with Magento1, Magento2, Spree, OpenCart, Pimcore and custom backends
MIT License
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Add extended ElasticSearch 7+ support and more flexibility to `elastic` lib #102

Open cewald opened 3 years ago

cewald commented 3 years ago

Related issues

According to the changes in vue-storefront-api I've made to fully support ES7 and use the build in ES client class in this PR: vuestorefront/vue-storefront-api#512 adapted to storefront-api.

These are some proposals to have a more stable support for the current ES version and more flexibility:

These changes are pretty similar to the ones I've proposed for the vue-storefront-api: vuestorefront/vue-storefront-api/pull/512.

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