vuestorefront / vue-storefront-1

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Integrate conventional commits with commitlint #305

Open defudef opened 4 years ago

defudef commented 4 years ago

What is the motivation for adding / enhancing this feature?

When I checked commits, everyone writes them in a different way. Conventional commits help keep them simple, short and in the same format. This convention speed up understands what kind of changes have been done. To validate commit messages I suggest using Git pre-commit hook.

Conventional commits spec: Example commit message: feat: commitlint integration This package is well known and helpful: But I'm open to suggestions.

What are the acceptance criteria

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

Which Release Cycle state this refers to? Info for developer.

Pick one option.

Additional information

lukeromanowicz commented 4 years ago

Great idea :+1:

@filrak @patzick @pkarw @sandermangel What do you guys think?

pkarw commented 4 years ago

I like the idea 👍

patzick commented 4 years ago

I really like this idea, needs to be well documented in our docs and also strictly watched by us. But surely this would improve commit messages and also users would not have to update changelog every time ;)