vuestorefront / vue-storefront-1

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[Bug]: Invalid visibility for baseFilterProductsQuery #498

Open rain2o opened 2 years ago

rain2o commented 2 years ago

Describe the Bug

When using actions such as category-next/loadCategoryProducts it ultimately uses the baseFilterProductsQuery helper to establish the base filters. However, in this function it uses a filter for visibility of any in [2, 3, 4].

In Magento's context, visibility of 3 is "Search" - meaning these products by default won't show on a category view, but will show in search results. In our situation we use this status to hide products from category views, but still accessible other ways (search being one example).

This might be considered a feature request, but from a Magento perspective this seems like a bug. We recently updated our VSF to the latest version and suddenly we have a lot of products showing on our category view that shouldn't be. The only workaround at the moment is to make our own query instead of using what's provided by VSF core.

Current behavior

Products which are set to visibility 3 ("Search" in Magento) are included in the core search query used for things like Category view.

Expected behavior

Product listings in places like Category view should include only visibility 2 ("Catalog") and 4 ("Search, Catalog").

Steps to reproduce

Set a product's visibility in Magento to "Search" and include it in a category. View the category view, using for example the Capybara theme.

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