vuestorefront / vue-storefront

Alokai is a Frontend as a Service solution that simplifies composable commerce. It connects all the technologies needed to build and deploy fast & scalable ecommerce frontends. It guides merchants to deliver exceptional customer experiences quickly and easily.
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How to seperate products per store view? #2479

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago


Currently I have setup 3 storeview on 1 magento instance. These stores are different niches (like drones, elscooters, fashion etc).

Currently, each store is importing each respective categories and products for those categories.

However, when you search for a specific product belonging to Store A, you will find those products in store B when you search for it.

I have different catalog indexes for it, it does work but the only thing is, when you are on the store where clothes are sold, you can search for elscooters and these products will show up.

I want to make sure that not a trace of any products belonging to other storeviews shows up in search at all, for those stores that doesn't sell the specific products.

The strange thing is, I have setup the products to each respective storeview and each respective storeview category on magento, when on the other hand I have installed the Snowdog API module for CMS pages, and when I import these CMS pages from magento, each storefront are indexing each page by its identifier fine, so with the CMS pages I am not getting pages from Store A in Store B!

So my only problem is, I don't want products from other storeviews to show up in each others searches. Store A must have Store A's products and categories from Magento, not to show up in Store B's search.

How can I solve this?

I appreciate any help here :)

pkarw commented 5 years ago

Hi there! Please let us know how are You importing the products - I mean the config? Mage2vuestorefront should set proper storeView and get only the products from that one.

You might also want to test our new indexer:

ghost commented 5 years ago


I have been experimenting a bit with it but haven't solved it.

I did install the magento2-vsbridge-indexer for my magento 2.3 but there are some issues that I wasn't aware of, therefore I posted in your repo about how to purge it completely from my magento (which I haven't checked if there's an answer yet due to other work).

Since default store on Magento has ID 1, I set the ID config in mage2vs/src/config.js to 2 for logima, which is the first store I created. I guessed and saw that it was the #2 store.

Dying to just filter the searcht thingy. After that is solved, everything is perfect!

The config is for one storefront that is still under development. But should be relevant to the question in hand.

My Mage2vs config

    module.exports = {

    magento: {
    url: process.env.MAGENTO_URL || '',
    consumerKey: process.env.MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY || 'superprivatekey',
    consumerSecret: process.env.MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET || 'superprivatekey',
    accessToken: process.env.MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN || 'superprivatekey',
    accessTokenSecret: process.env.MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET || 'superprivatekey',
    storeId: process.env.MAGENTO_STORE_ID || 2,
    currencyCode: process.env.MAGENTO_CURRENCY_CODE || 'USD'

    vuestorefront: {
    invalidateCache: JSON.parse(typeof process.env.VS_INVALIDATE_CACHE === 'undefined' ? false : process.env.VS_INVALIDATE_CACHE),
    invalidateCacheUrl: process.env.VS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_URL || 'https://localhost:3000/invalidate?key=aeSu7aip&tag='

    product: {
    expandConfigurableFilters: ['manufacturer'],
    synchronizeCatalogSpecialPrices: process.env.PRODUCTS_SPECIAL_PRICES || false,
    renderCatalogRegularPrices: process.env.PRODUCTS_RENDER_PRICES || false,
    excludeDisabledProducts: process.env.PRODUCTS_EXCLUDE_DISABLED || false

    kue: {}, // default KUE config works on local redis instance. See KUE docs for non standard redis connections

    db: {
    driver: 'elasticsearch',
    url: process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'http://localhost:9200',
    indexName: process.env.INDEX_NAME || 'logima_catalog'

    elasticsearch: {
    apiVersion: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_API_VERSION || '5.6'

    redis: {
    host: process.env.REDIS_HOST || '',
    port: process.env.REDIS_PORT || 6379

    passport: {
    jwtSecret: "MyS3cr3tK3Y",
    jwtSession: {
    session: false


My API config

      "server": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 8080,
            "searchEngine": "elasticsearch"
      "orders": {
            "useServerQueue": false
      "catalog": {
            "excludeDisabledProducts": false
      "elasticsearch": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 9200,
            "protocol": "http",
            "user": "elastic",
            "password": "changeme",
            "min_score": 0.01,
            "indices": [
            "indexTypes": [
            "apiVersion": "5.6"
      "redis": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 6379,
            "db": 0
      "kue": {},
      "availableStores": [
      "storeViews": {
            "multistore": true,
            "mapStoreUrlsFor": [
            "de": {
                  "storeCode": "de",
                  "disabled": true,
                  "storeId": 3,
                  "name": "German Store",
                  "url": "/de",
                  "elasticsearch": {
                        "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
                        "index": "logima_catalog_de"
                  "tax": {
                        "defaultCountry": "DE",
                        "defaultRegion": "",
                        "calculateServerSide": true,
        "sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
                  "i18n": {
                        "fullCountryName": "Germany",
                        "fullLanguageName": "German",
                        "defaultLanguage": "DE",
                        "defaultCountry": "DE",
                        "defaultLocale": "de-DE",
                        "currencyCode": "EUR",
                        "currencySign": "EUR",
                        "dateFormat": "HH:mm D-M-YYYY"
            "it": {
                  "storeCode": "it",
                  "disabled": true,
                  "storeId": 4,
                  "name": "Italian Store",
                  "url": "/it",
                  "elasticsearch": {
                        "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
                        "index": "logima_catalog_it"
                  "tax": {
                        "defaultCountry": "IT",
                        "defaultRegion": "",
                        "calculateServerSide": true,
        "sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
                  "i18n": {
                        "fullCountryName": "Italy",
                        "fullLanguageName": "Italian",
                        "defaultCountry": "IT",
                        "defaultLanguage": "IT",
                        "defaultLocale": "it-IT",
                        "currencyCode": "EUR",
                        "currencySign": "EUR",
                        "dateFormat": "HH:mm D-M-YYYY"
      "authHashSecret": "__SECRET_CHANGE_ME__",
      "objHashSecret": "__SECRET_CHANGE_ME__",
      "cart": {
            "setConfigurableProductOptions": false
      "tax": {
            "defaultCountry": "PL",
            "defaultRegion": "",
            "calculateServerSide": true,
            "alwaysSyncPlatformPricesOver": false,
            "usePlatformTotals": true,
            "setConfigurableProductOptions": true,
    "sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
      "bodyLimit": "100kb",
      "corsHeaders": [
      "platform": "magento2",
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      "extensions": {
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            "mailService": {
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                        "user": "vuestorefront",
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                  "secretString": "__THIS_IS_SO_SECRET__"
      "magento2": {
            "url": "",
            "imgUrl": "",
            "assetPath": "/../var/magento2-sample-data/pub/media",
            "magentoUserName": "",
            "magentoUserPassword": "",
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                  "consumerSecret": "if-you-spot-this-then-its-secret",
                  "accessToken": "if-you-spot-this-then-its-secret",
                  "accessTokenSecret": "if-you-spot-this-then-its-secret"
      "imageable": {
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      "entities": {
                  "category": {
                        "includeFields": [ "children_data", "id", "children_count", "sku", "name", "is_active", "parent_id", "level", "url_key" ]
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                        "includeFields": [ "attribute_code", "id", "entity_type_id", "options", "default_value", "is_user_defined", "frontend_label", "attribute_id", "default_frontend_label", "is_visible_on_front", "is_visible", "is_comparable" ]
                  "productList": {
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                        "excludeFields": [ "description", "sgn"]
                  "product": {
                        "excludeFields": [ "updated_at", "created_at", "attribute_set_id", "status", "visibility", "tier_prices", "options_container", "msrp_display_actual_price_type", "has_options", "stock.manage_stock", "stock.use_config_min_qty", "stock.use_config_notify_stock_qty", "stock.stock_id",      "stock.use_config_backorders", "stock.use_config_enable_qty_inc", "stock.enable_qty_increments", "stock.use_config_manage_stock", "stock.use_config_min_sale_qty", "stock.notify_stock_qty", "stock.use_config_max_sale_qty", "stock.use_config_max_sale_qty", "stock.qty_increments", "small_image"],
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                              "": ""
      "usePriceTiers": false,
      "boost": {
            "name": 3,
            "": 1,
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            "description": 1,
            "sku": 1,
            "configurable_children.sku": 1

Finally my storefront config

            "externalCheckout": {
                  "cmsUrl" : ""
            "server": {
                  "host": "localhost",
                  "port": 3000,
                  "protocol": "https",
                  "api": "api",
                  "devServiceWorker": false,
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                  "dynamicConfigReload": false,
                  "dynamicConfigContinueOnError": false,
                  "dynamicConfigExclude": ["ssr", "storeViews", "entities", "localForage", "shipping", "boost", "query"],
                  "dynamicConfigInclude": [],
                  "elasticCacheQuota": 4096
            "seo": {
                  "useUrlDispatcher": false
            "console": {
                  "showErrorOnProduction" : true,
                  "verbosityLevel": "display-everything"
            "redis": {
                  "host": "localhost",
                  "port": 6379,
                  "db": 0
                  "host": "localhost",
                  "port": 8080
            "elasticsearch": {
                  "httpAuth": "",
                  "host": "",
                  "index": "logima_catalog",
                  "min_score": 0.02,
                  "csrTimeout": 5000,
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                  "queryMethod": "GET",
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                  "searchScoring": {
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                        "basic": "dist/index.basic.html",
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                  "executeMixedinAsyncData": true,
                  "initialStateFilter": ["__DEMO_MODE__", "version", "storeView"],
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                  "multistore": false,
                  "mapStoreUrlsFor": ["de", "it"],
                  "de": {
                        "storeCode": "de",
                        "disabled": true,
                        "storeId": 3,
                        "name": "German Store",
                        "url": "/de",
                        "elasticsearch": {
                              "host": "",
                              "index": "vue_storefront_catalog_de"
                        "tax": {
                              "sourcePriceIncludesTax": false,
                              "defaultCountry": "DE",
                              "defaultRegion": "",
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                        "i18n": {
                              "fullCountryName": "Germany",
                              "fullLanguageName": "German",
                              "defaultLanguage": "DE",
                              "defaultCountry": "DE",
                              "defaultLocale": "de-DE",
                              "currencyCode": "EUR",
                              "currencySign": "EUR",
                              "dateFormat": "HH:mm D-M-YYYY"
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                        "name": "Italian Store",
                        "url": "/it",
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                              "defaultRegion": "",
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                              "fullLanguageName": "Italian",
                              "defaultCountry": "IT",
                              "defaultLanguage": "IT",
                              "defaultLocale": "it-IT",
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                              "currencySign": "EUR",
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                        "excludeFields": [ "description", "sgn", "*.sgn", "msrp_display_actual_price_type", "*.msrp_display_actual_price_type", "required_options"]
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            "cms": {
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                                    "value" : { "eq": "Women" }
                  "bestSellers": {
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                                    "key": "",
                                    "value" : { "eq": "Tees" }

pkarw commented 5 years ago

I believe this issue is related to

ghost commented 5 years ago

I believe this issue is related to magento/magento2#8121

Many thanks!