Closed tdugue closed 5 years ago
Hey, @TigerWhite1
Can you give me more info how to reproduce this issue. Can you tell me which branch you are working on and also if it is possible your package json because right now I do not receive this error on master branch
Hi @dz3n,
Thank you for your answer.
I work on the branch v1.10.4.
here is my package json :
"name": "vue-storefront",
"version": "1.10.4",
"description": "A Vue.js, PWA eCommerce frontend",
"private": true,
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.x"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [
"author": "pkarw <> and contributors",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" pm2 start ecosystem.json $PM2_ARGS",
"start:inspect": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" node --inspect ./core/scripts/server.js",
"installer": "node ./core/scripts/installer",
"installer:ci": "yarn installer --default-config",
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"config": "nodemon --watch config/ --ignore config/local.json --exec \"sh config/\" &",
"dev:sw": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" yarn build:sw && yarn dev",
"dev:inspect": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" node --inspect -r ts-node/register ./core/scripts/entry",
"build:sw": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" webpack --config ./core/build/ --mode production --progress --hide-modules",
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"build:server": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"tsconfig-build.json\" webpack --config ./core/build/ --mode production --progress --hide-modules",
"build": "rimraf dist && yarn build:client && yarn build:server && yarn build:sw",
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"test:unit:watch": "jest -c test/unit/jest.conf.js --watch",
"test:e2e": "cypress open",
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but it's the same as on the config branch for the dev.
For information before the update of VSF I was in version 1.10.0-rc.1 and everything worked normally.
to reproduce just refresh the website and it does not work anymore.
Probably problem lies in prepareStoreView
in multistore.ts. There is line that checks if storeCode
exist (line 26). So if for example you pass there invalid storeCode (for example 'xyz'
), then storeViewHasChanged
(line 25) is true and app crash in line 37 because storeView
is undefined (is set to undefined in line 27).
@TigerWhite1 Please check what value has storeCode
, because maybe it's different problem. :)
@gibkigonzo Please check this PR i think it solves this issue.
@TigerWhite1 Can you check branch hotfix/v1.10.5
it should works there, could you confirm?
Current behavior
In production mode so with
yarn build
andyarn start
I have an each refresh of the website it is necessary to restart with pm2. I did not find a default error behavior on the front. It can be an infinite loop or a 404
I think this error is only when the multiStore is enable.
I have this error :
I think the problem comes from the
file.and more precisely the function :
the use of
must generate an error that I do not see :if I get proporty this way his walking :
But I'm not sure that's the solution, the problem may be from somewhere else. I would need a review
Expected behavior
Steps to reproduce the issue
Can you handle fixing this bug by yourself?
Which Release Cycle state this refers to? Info for developer.
Pick one option.
branch and create Pull Request2. Feature / Improvement
back todevelop
branch and create Pull Request3. Stabilisation fix
back torelease
branch and create Pull Request4. Hotfix
back tohotfix
.Environment details
Additional information