Closed AasmundN closed 12 months ago
@AasmundN can you provide a minimal repro (with plain Vuetify + Vite)? how do you consume the icons? I mean, Phosphor icons are fonts, JS (like mdijs), or can be consumed via SVG?
Have you tried using UnoCSS Preset Icons with Iconify Phosphor icon set?
I was thinking something along the line of this,src%2FApp.vue,src%2Fstyle.css. Can't get it to work though. Could also try to consume the icons with CSS like you suggested.
@AasmundN sorry, I was finishing some PR in another repos: here a working example via UnoCSS Preset Icons, the unocss-mdi icon set and using Phosphor icons in vuetify components:
@AasmundN here an example with Phosphor and Vuetify,vuetify.config.ts
phosphor should provide this info, this issue is not related to this repo, you should solve the integration with Vuetify: check the phosphor/index.ts module, just a few aliases, you should map all Vuetify IconAlias (aliases)
to the corresponding phosphor icon. You can also add multiple icon sets.
EDIT: your reproduction in SB is not working...
@AasmundN repo updated, plugin simplified:
import PhosphorIcons from '@phosphor-icons/vue';
import { aliases, phosphor } from '../phosphor';
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.hook('vuetify:before-create', ({ vuetifyOptions }) => {
vuetifyOptions.icons = {
defaultSet: 'phosphor',
sets: { phosphor },
nuxtApp.hook('vuetify:ready', () => {
@userquin Is it possible to use any custom vue svg icon component and alias it to vuetify so it can use it as <v-icon>some icon</v-icon>
? I can't see any option to do it in the config, so I assume it's also done by nuxt plugin and hooking into vuetify:before-create? Is there a simpler way to do this in the config.ts file?
@Q16solver unfortunately there is no support, it is complex to provide a solution that works with any icon provider, use custom and include the logic you need in the plugin hook
Here another example using Iconify Vue Icon:
I guess that makes sense, the best way I've found is
import SomeIcon from "@/assets/icons/Icon.vue";
import { toKebabCase } from "@/util/text";
const ComponentMap: Record<string, Component> = {
const IconComponentMap = Object.entries(ComponentMap).reduce<Record<string, Component>>(
(acc, [name, component]) => {
acc[toKebabCase(name).toLowerCase()] = component;
return acc;
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.hook("vuetify:before-create", ({ vuetifyOptions }) => {
vuetifyOptions.icons = {
sets: {
custom: {
component: (props) => h(props.tag, [h(IconComponentMap[props.icon as string], { class: "v-icon__svg" })]),
which lets me use <v-icon :icon="custom:some-icon" />
and be consistent enough
@userquin So I guess there's no way to expose the sets option for custom icon components in the config ts file. The other enquiry I had was regarding if it was possible for any really simple way to just only import SVGs because in the above example I have to make the svg a vue template for whatever reason and h(...) render the component which is a bit more boilerplate if I have a bunch of svg icons I have to transform to a vue file/component
@Q16solver have you tried unplugin-icons or NuxtIcon? I suggest you to use Unocss Preset Icons (svg icons to your css, if you only need the icon).
With unplugin-icons
and UnoCSS Preset Icons
you can use custom SVG files also from file system (no idea about Nuxt Icon
): both using iconify icons (150000+ icons), check or
Check also
@userquin Thanks for the example, I will check it out in a couple days. For now I just used @phosphor-icons/vue
components in the Vuetify slots manually.
Here another example using Iconify Vue Icon:
@userquin thanks for the example provided. But icons don't work in UI components, for example in VRadio. Help me find a solution
The playground here has an example using custom icon for v-checkbox, maybe v-radio icons cannot be changed, check vuetify issues or ask in vuetify discord server.
Provide a small repro , maybe I can check it in a few hours.
The playground here has an example using custom icon for v-checkbox, maybe v-radio icons cannot be changed, check vuetify issues or ask in vuetify discord server.
Provide a small repro , maybe I can check it in a few hours.
I took your reproduction as a basis.,iconify%2Findex.ts In the sources of the "VRadio" component, I saw that the "VIcon" component is used, an icon named "$radioOn" is passed in the parameters. I added this name to the aliases list, but it still doesn't work.
Even console.log does not return icon parameters that are declared inside ui components
@danilpon98 iconify-icon aliases are wrong, we should use dash instead colon (mdi-
instead mdi:
), I have changed some icons here:
@danilpon98 iconify-icon aliases are wrong, we should use dash instead colon (
), I have changed some icons here:
@userquin thanks))
New entry added to docs:
If missing page await PWA update the new version.
Added NuxtIcon and unplugin-icons/nuxt entries and examples.
I would like to add a Phosphor icons to my project, and I am trying to include it as a custom icon set like described in the Vuetify documentation. However it looks like this module doesn't accept custom icon sets:
If I look at the types from Vuetify I can see that
should accept a componentwhich corresponds well with the Vuetify docs for adding a custom icon sets using a render function.