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[Feature Request] Export TS types, interfaces #16680

Open websitevirtuoso opened 1 year ago

websitevirtuoso commented 1 year ago

Problem to solve

Let's consider next struct

const headers: DataTableHeader[] = [
  { title: '#', key: 'id' },
  { title: t(''), key: 'name' },
  { title: t(''), key: 'lat' },
  { title: t('messages.lng'), key: 'lng' },
  { title: t('messages.state'), key: 'state', value: '', sortable: false },
  { title: t(''), key: 'country', value: '', sortable: false },
if(can('upsert', 'city')) {
  headers.push({ title: t('messages.actions'), key: 'action', sortable: false, align: 'end' })

We as developers don't have access to defined types, interfaces as a result in my project I have to duplicate the same TS types

Proposed solution

Just add export to types, interfaces that you already defined

joel-wenzel commented 1 year ago

@websitevirtuoso I agree this should be done, i did find a workaround for now though:

import { VDataTable } from 'vuetify/lib/labs/components'
export type VDataTableHeaderProps = Extract<

I do get a somewhat misleading typescript error for unresolved type on DataTableHeader but it does in fact still work.

aentwist commented 1 year ago

This is very specifically about Labs, right? There is currently nothing to export anything other than the components.

Edit: I see the Anchor issue. Looks like this issue is being purposed for all of Vuetify

websitevirtuoso commented 1 year ago

I have no idea about all types. Because I used only types from datatable. I had to copy this types into my own code and use them with "todo commend". I hope that they will create index.d.ts for us with exported types and interfaces

felicienfrancois commented 1 year ago

@joel-wenzel a simpler variant with no typescript error

import { VDataTable } from 'vuetify/labs/VDataTable';
export type VDataTableHeaderProps = Extract<VDataTable['$props']['headers'][number], {key: string}>
nowaysgit commented 1 year ago


nowaysgit commented 1 year ago

@joel-wenzelболее простой вариант без ошибок машинописного текста

import { VDataTable } from 'vuetify/labs/VDataTable';
export type VDataTableHeaderProps = Extract<VDataTable['$props']['headers'][number], {key: string}>

very sad situation vuetify: 3.3.6 typescript: 5.1.6 vue-tsc: 1.8.3

error TS2537: Type 'DeepReadonly<DataTableHeader[] | DataTableHeader[][]> | undefined' has no matching index signature for type 'number'.

export type VDataTableHeaderProps = Extract<VDataTable["$props"]["headers"][number], { key: string }>;


felicienfrancois commented 12 months ago


export type VDataTableHeaderProps = Extract<Extract<VDataTable["$props"]["headers"], Readonly<Array>>[number], {key: string}>
MatthewAry commented 9 months ago

See the following for references and examples:

This is what I would like to be able to do but currently cannot.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { VCard, type VCardProps } from "vuetify/components/VCard";

interface Props extends VCardProps {
  foo: string;

const props = defineProps<Props>();

  <VCard v-bind="props" />
websitevirtuoso commented 9 months ago

Yes I can confirm that rignt now is much better with exports types and interfaces.

For example: my code before:

import { DataTableHeader } from '@/types/vuetify'

const headers: DataTableHeader[] = [
  { title: '#', key: 'id', sortable: false },
  { title: t(''), key: 'name', sortable: false },
  { title: t('messages.description'), key: 'description', sortable: false },

if (can('update', 'listing_term')) {
  headers.push({ title: t('messages.actions'), key: 'action', sortable: false, align: 'end' })

my file @/types/vuetify with all duplicated types from vuetify code after refactoring vuetify and using their types

import { VDataTableColumn } from 'vuetify/lib/labs/VDataTable/VDataTableColumn'

const headers: VDataTableColumn[] = [
  { title: '#', key: 'id', sortable: false },
  { title: t(''), key: 'name', sortable: false },
  { title: t('messages.description'), key: 'description', sortable: false },

if (can('update', 'listing_term')) {
  headers.push({ title: t('messages.actions'), key: 'action', sortable: false, align: 'end' })

So can I close this issue?

MatthewAry commented 9 months ago

@websitevirtuoso I don't think so. It seems like the team has expanded the scope of this issue such that it's be come a META issue.

KaelWD commented 9 months ago
npbenjohnson commented 9 months ago

Workaround tested in ts 5.1 but should work in some older versions: import type { VDataTable } from "vuetify/labs/VDataTable"; // For array props type VDataTableHeader = Exclude<NonNullable<VDataTable["$props"]["headers"]>[number], Readonly<unknown[]>>; // For non-array props type SortItem = NonNullable<VDataTable["$props"]["sortBy"]>[number];

SergioFerrando commented 9 months ago

DataTableHeader and other types are still not exported. Any solution for this?? : (

MatthewAry commented 8 months ago

@KaelWD Perhaps a solution to making component prop types accessible could be found at packages/component-meta

MatthewAry commented 7 months ago

I found a partial solution.

import { VSheet } from 'vuetify/components';
import { type ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue'

type VSheetPropTypes = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<typeof VSheet>>

I say partial because while you can get all of the prop types using this trick, there is a bunch of other unnecessary stuff in the types that get resolved that I can't seem to use Omit to remove, including:

MatthewAry commented 7 months ago

Perhaps ExtractPublicPropTypes<T> would be better?

Update: Not seeing a significant difference, but it would probably be better to use this anyways.

MatthewAry commented 7 months ago

ValidationRule should also get exported.

MatthewAry commented 6 months ago

This doesn't seem to work with Vuetify Component Types either.

volarname commented 6 months ago

i asbolutely aggree that vuetify needs more type/interfaces export. probably not whole component props but complex types used in props like DataTableHeader, DataTableSelectStrategy and similar of course it can be done by 3rd party @types library where types will be copy/pasted from vuetify library but as vuetify 3 is written completely in typescript and its just about the build scripts of existing types the best way will be to officially support it and exort in vuetify d.ts files

MatthewAry commented 6 months ago

For reference there is this conversation happening on Discord about extending components and passing types up.

throrin19 commented 5 months ago

This is very specifically about Labs, right? There is currently nothing to export anything other than the components.

Edit: I see the Anchor issue. Looks like this issue is being purposed for all of Vuetify

Any news about the Anchor part ? If we made a props used in location props of VMenu or VTooltip, we can't use it because it must be Anchor | undefined but we can't import Anchor....

lenargum commented 4 months ago

This is very specifically about Labs, right? There is currently nothing to export anything other than the components. Edit: I see the Anchor issue. Looks like this issue is being purposed for all of Vuetify

Any news about the Anchor part ? If we made a props used in location props of VMenu or VTooltip, we can't use it because it must be Anchor | undefined but we can't import Anchor....

Here is dirty workaround if anyone interested. Just declare Anchor type manually 😁

declare const block: readonly ["top", "bottom"];
declare const inline: readonly ["start", "end", "left", "right"];
type Tblock = typeof block[number];
type Tinline = typeof inline[number];
type Anchor = Tblock | Tinline | 'center' | 'center center' | `${Tblock} ${Tinline | 'center'}` | `${Tinline} ${Tblock | 'center'}`;
throrin19 commented 4 months ago

@lenargum this is not a long term solution. For that vuetify team must export it.

mcfarljw commented 4 months ago

I find myself wanting to get the exported interface shape of emitted events frequently. I don't see it mentioned specifically here so I'm posting in my use case with needing the typings from emitted events for reference:

// Vuetify
export interface SomeVuetifyEmitEvent { 
    id: unknown
    value: boolean
    path: unknown[]
    event: MouseEvent | PointerEvent

emits: {
    'update:selected': (value: unknown[]) => true,
    'update:opened': (value: unknown[]) => true,
    'click:open': (value: SomeVuetifyEmitEvent) => true,
    'click:select': (value: SomeVuetifyEmitEvent) => true,

// Client
import type { SomeVuetifyEmitEvent } from 'vuetify/VSelect'

function onSortSelect(event: SomeVuetifyEmitEvent) {
    const id = as string
    const paths event.paths as string[]
MatthewAry commented 3 months ago

Looking to get prop types for DataTables?

type VDataTableProps = InstanceType<typeof VDataTable>['$props']
Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 6 38 02 PM

This might help until the promised day of better types comes.

msladek commented 3 months ago

How do I get at generic types like DataTableItem<T>, ItemSlotBase<T> and ItemKeySlot<T> needed for cell-props or row-props as a workaround?

jscottsf commented 2 weeks ago

In case anyone is trying to do this with JSDoc -- this works.

 * @typedef { import("vuetify/components").VDataTable["$props"]["headers"] } VDataTableHeaders
 * @typedef { import("vuetify/components").VDataTable["$props"]["sortBy"] } VDataTableSortItems
<script setup>
const table = reactive({
  /** @type {VDataTableHeaders} */
  headers: [
    { sortable: true, title: 'Label', value: 'label' },
    { align: 'end', sortable: true, title: 'Score', value: 'score' }
  itemsPerPage: 5,
  itemsPerPageOptions: [
    { value: 5, title: '5' },
    { value: -1, title: '$vuetify.dataFooter.itemsPerPageAll' }
  /** @type {VDataTableSortItems} */
  sortBy: [{ key: 'score', order: 'desc' }]
ramseyfeng commented 1 day ago

Any update on this issue? We want to access the type definition of location...