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[Bug Report][3.5.16] Indeterminate checkbox aria-checked doesn't match control value #19647

Open justingish opened 2 weeks ago

justingish commented 2 weeks ago


Vuetify Version: 3.5.16 Vue Version: 3.4.23 Browsers: Chrome OS: Mac OS 10.15.7

Steps to reproduce

Inspect the checkbox element

Expected Behavior

Since it is using a native HTML checkbox control, no aria-checked attribute should be present.

Actual Behavior

The checkbox control has aria-checked set to 'mixed' which doesn't match the native control's value.

Reproduction Link

Other comments

MDN article about aria checkbox role.

When using a native html checkbox, you should not need the role or aria-checked attributes. Because the VCheckbox does use the aria-checked attribute, it causes a mismatch between the control's value and the aria-checked value.

I suggest simply removing aria-checked from the control.