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[Bug Report][3.6.1] VDataTable mobile shows header for sort & select when neither is applicable #19730

Open Brunosil97 opened 2 weeks ago

Brunosil97 commented 2 weeks ago


Vuetify Version: 3.6.1 Vue Version: 3.4.21 Browsers: Chrome OS: Windows

Steps to reproduce

Use mobile prop on VDataTable where sortable is false and selecting are not applicable

Expected Behavior

To have mobile format for VDataTable without the header for sort/select

Actual Behavior

Mobile format for VDataTable with added header for sort/select

Reproduction Link

webdevnerdstuff commented 2 weeks ago

The bug where select was in the mobile header when not enabled was fixed in v3.6.2. The sortBy, not yet.

Your Playground example has multiple errors in it. You are using header as a prop when it should be headers, you also have two v-app components and surround it with a div with the id of app.

This is a more accurate example.