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[Bug Report] Dialog is closed by clicking on Snackbar #7310

Closed jloewe closed 7 months ago

jloewe commented 4 years ago

Versions and Environment

Vuetify: 1.5.14 Vue: 2.6.10 Browsers: Chrome 74.0.3729.108 OS: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Dialog
  2. Close Snackbar

Expected Behavior

Only Snackbar closes

Actual Behavior

Dialog and Snackbar close

Reproduction Link

R79d31JbjO (v1.5.14) (v2.0.0-alpha.20)

KaelWD commented 4 years ago

Workaround is to add persistent to the dialog.

jacekkarczmarczyk commented 4 years ago

It happens also in normal (not fullscreen) dialogs which makes the workaround not so great in this case

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? The workaround (persistent prop) doesn't work for me either.

185driver commented 4 years ago

Workaround is to add persistent to the dialog.

I'm not finding this to be true (#9378). How are you getting this to work?

I believe this bug is a regression, since the problem doesn't exist in my v1.3 project.

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

@185driver right, that doesn’t work for me either, very frustrating.

MajesticPotatoe commented 4 years ago

@185driver there's another issue at play as well. Conflict between hide-overlay and persistent #8697 With fullscreen prop hide-overlay is assumed thus persistent wont work. on your codepen dialog, if you remove hide-overlay it works

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

@MajesticPotatoe I just tried removing hide-overlay too and it still doesn't work, here are my props:

185driver commented 4 years ago

@MajesticPotatoe Thanks. Indeed, that was noted in the issue I posted. I wasn't aware that fullscreen pulled in hide-overlay functionality automatically. Good to know, and it makes sense. Actually, to me, fullscreen should naturally pull in persistent too, then, as clicking outside the dialog isn't practically possible (or shouldn't be).

185driver commented 4 years ago

@payammeyer that's right, but it's because you're using fullscreen too, which pulls in hide-overlay by default. @MajesticPotatoe was referring to a normal dialog in his comment.

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

Oh my mistake, thanks for the clarification, either way it’s really not a workaround for me and I would indeed call it a regression.

185driver commented 4 years ago

Bless @jacekkarczmarczyk for removing the p:low tag. Without a workaround, this issue is a pain. Ha. Thanks for all you guys do!

MajesticPotatoe commented 4 years ago

@payammeyer your issue pertains to 8697 which is marked as a regression. This issue is slightly different but does have some overlap.

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

@MajesticPotatoe thanks, I'll start watching that issue.

tovikfekih commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue here, It seems that if the snackbar has been created inside of the dialog or outside (but still in the same component), the persistent prop does fix the problem. But if you have the snackbar created and managed elsewhere (in Layout component for example), i'm still getting the closing trigger of any of my dialogs

payammeyer commented 4 years ago

@FekihTaoufik interesting observation, my snackbars are indeed created elsewhere and triggered to display via an event.

tovikfekih commented 4 years ago

It seems that anything that has a fixed position and clickable, does trigger the close:outer event of any fullscreen dialog (even with persistent prop).

ThomasGauthierr commented 4 years ago

I'm facing the very same issue, any help would be greatly appreciated.

benjauger commented 4 years ago

Same issue here, with the dialog full screen component. The workaround by @185driver works but not with fullscreen props ... 😢

NavidMitchell commented 4 years ago

Found a temporary fix here that worked for me. It is not the marked answer but works nicely.

"For anyone still looking for a good solution: add <div class="v-menu__content--active" style="display:none; z-index:1000;">

` as a child of your v-snackbar. This tricks v-dialog to think it was not the active component when click outside happened and prevents closing."

185driver commented 4 years ago

@NavidMitchell This is a fantastic workaround. Thanks for sharing it. This issue affects my apps daily (due to snackbars with clickable buttons) so your solution is a welcome relief. I modified the markup slightly after some testing, but it works the same, in case someone is interested:

  {{ snackText }}
KaelWD commented 4 years ago

Damn that's sneaky. Note this will cause the dialog to have a higher z-index than the snackbar if the snackbar is open first.

185driver commented 4 years ago

Is the higher z-index issue alleviated by setting it to 1000 as @NavidMitchell suggested?

KaelWD commented 4 years ago

No, you should set z-index on the dialog instead.

yusifk88 commented 4 years ago

@MajesticPotatoe Thanks. Indeed, that was noted in the issue I posted. I wasn't aware that fullscreen pulled in hide-overlay functionality automatically. Good to know, and it makes sense. Actually, to me, fullscreen should naturally pull in persistent too, then, as clicking outside the dialog isn't practically possible (or shouldn't be).

this would not be practical either, i was facing this issues and thought i could just add persist on the dialog until users started wondering why pressing escape on the keyboard dose not close the dialog, my solution now is remove the persistent from the dialog and also remove the close button from the snackbar so it timeout by it self

185driver commented 3 years ago

Some observations after upgrading to's an updated codepen too:

  1. The workaround shared by @NavidMitchell no longer seems to work, at least for me. I'm not sure what the issue is, as I'm getting intermittent results in my project, but mostly my v-snackbar no longer displays properly when triggered within a fullscreen dialog. The structural changes to v-snackbar made in PR #11542 seem to be the reason.
  2. On the bright side, the workaround is no longer needed if you add the persistent prop to v-dialog. This was the original workaround that didn't work in some cases. Now it does, but it comes with a side effect...dismissing the snackbar causes the persistent click animation to fire, which is an odd effect on a fullscreen dialog. Adding the no-click-animation prop along with the persistent prop resolves this.
  3. Earlier in this thread, there was discussion of v-dialog behavior in fullscreen or non-fullscreen mode along with hide-overlay and persistent prop use. I don't know what the current v-dialog status is for these props, but my suggestion for resolving and closing this issue would be to consider automatically adding hide-overlay, persistent and no-click-animation props (their associated classes, actually) anytime the fullscreen prop is invoked. It seems natural that they would always be included in a fullscreen scenario, and would eliminate the need to add them manually.
albertovincenzi commented 3 years ago


  1. I tested and works but if dialogs are not fullscreen, the snackbar appears under, so its not fully visible
  2. Agree, its not nice to see the animation
  3. In my opinion, its not the best choice because I expect that by default, clicking on dismiss button of snackbar will only generate a single action which doesn't involve other components. Adding all that props will solve the issue but I still consider that as a workaround.
mihailovskim commented 1 year ago

This issue is still not resolved?

I have case where I use snackbar as notification alert, so some action is done on modal and it's closed, snackbar is shown and starting to count - closed automatically after 5sec. If in meantime any other modal is opened, it closes in the same moment when snackbar disappears and cannot be open anymore because modal v-model is not changed to false.

MetRonnie commented 11 months ago

Repro in Vuetify 3.3.3:

MetRonnie commented 7 months ago

Why has this been closed? It's still reproduceable in the latest nightly build:

johnleider commented 7 months ago

This issue references v1.5 of Vuetify. If it's still relevant in Vuetify 3, create a new issue please.