Currently date picker range allows you to pick only a fixed date to a fixed date. What I want is the ability do pick [fixed date, fixed date], [-infinity, fixed date], [fixed date, infinity] or [-infinity, infinity]. Essentially <= fixed date, or >= fixed date or 'all dates' in addition to regular range.
Proposed solution
Add a prop to the date picker to allow indefinite, which renders a 4 set radio button.
default behavior, allows fixed date to fixed date (can pick 2 dates on picker)
allows a fixed date and everything before (can only pick 1 date on picker)
allows a fixed date and everything after (can only pick 1 date on picker)
allows selection of all dates (cannot pick any date on picker)
Problem to solve
Currently date picker range allows you to pick only a fixed date to a fixed date. What I want is the ability do pick [fixed date, fixed date], [-infinity, fixed date], [fixed date, infinity] or [-infinity, infinity]. Essentially <= fixed date, or >= fixed date or 'all dates' in addition to regular range.
Proposed solution
Add a prop to the date picker to allow indefinite, which renders a 4 set radio button.
The return values would be these respectively: