vueuse / motion

🤹 Vue Composables putting your components in motion
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Use presets animations on variants (eg. :tapped) #101

Open lerayj opened 1 year ago

lerayj commented 1 year ago

Would be super nice to be able to use for instance: v-motion-roll-top on variants event like tapped, hover, ...

It looks like for now preset can only be use for initial / visible, but not on hover, tapped. Maybe I'm missing something ?


Could be something like :

<div v-motion :tapped="roll-top" :initial="fade" />


<div v-motion-roll-top tapped initial /> // if you can choose any events when the motion is triggered

Cherry on the cake would be then to be able to specify delay for each:

<div v-motion-roll-top :tapped="{delay:300}" initial={delay:100} />