vugu-examples / tinygo

Vugu+Tinygo example
MIT License
13 stars 2 forks source link

nice work, trying but got this error #2

Open hiqsociety opened 1 year ago

hiqsociety commented 1 year ago

hi, how to resolve? just found online a lot of this issue with latest tinygo and without docker. possible to resolve this with latest tinygo without using docker?

MainWasmHandler: Execute error: TinygoCompiler: build error (cmd=tinygo [build -o /tmp/TinygoCompiler4007953647/bin/tgwasmout2332338318 -target=wasm]): exit status 1; full output:

src/ cannot convert vv.Type() (value of type reflect.Type) to uintptr

0pcom commented 1 year ago

same error for me

The docs say tinygo 0.14 should solve the compatibility issues, but I have version 0.26 installed.