vugu / vugu

Vugu: A modern UI library for Go+WebAssembly (experimental)
MIT License
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webpack loader support and mixed with vue or react #242

Open Taoja opened 1 year ago

Taoja commented 1 year ago

For web developers, webpack is still the mainstream development framework. Can vugu be brought into the webpack ecosystem through vugu-webpack-loader?

Can vugu runtime provide javascript mount and destroy method like vue or react. In this way, vugu can be more flexibly integrated into various mainstream web development frameworks, which can reduce the cost of all code remodeling.

owenwaller commented 7 months ago

@bradleypeabody As far as I can work out, Webpack is a tool that combines multiple JS/css etc files into a single (larger) js or css file. This appears to take place as part of the website build process.

So much like with TailwindCSS (see: #247) there would be nothing (in principle) to stop a team using webpack to bundle things together and then using the resulting (combined) files in with vugu.

But typically (at least in my use case) we aren't doing this. Yes we have a single style sheet, but we don't have the JS files, we are directly serving the WASM so we don't see this issue.