vuinguyen / FishingDaze

A fishing journal app to document fishing trips, built for my capstone project, for my Udacity iOS Nanodegree program.
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Create a Test Photo Album App #30

Closed vuinguyen closed 4 years ago

vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

Let's build a test app to demonstrate the photo album feature we want to integrate into FishingDaze.

vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

This test app will ideally, offer a user interface that will make it intuitive or user-friendly to:

vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

There's still problems with this implementation, although it's a start:

vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

Displaying scrollable pictures via ScrollView was a bust. I could either center a picture in the middle of the screen or use the aspect fit but not both.

ScrollView with Aspect Fit. Notice how the next picture shows up in the screen:


ScrollView with Center. Notice how the picture is not scaled back at all: ScrollViewCenter

vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

I've abandoned the idea of displaying scrollable pictures via a PageController because it requires using embedded view controllers, which makes it more complicated than I care to have it.

I am now working on displaying scrollable pictures via a CollectionView. The results look much better, so I will continue working with this. I even added a pageControl for the dots:


vuinguyen commented 4 years ago

I got adding pictures and even deleting pictures, from the album to work, and added gifs to the project too, so you can see them in action:

I think this sample app is extensive enough to start integrating this feature into the capstone project. So I will close this issue for now and work on Photo integration into FishingDaze next.