vujadin / BabylonHx

Port of Babylon.js 3D engine to Haxe.
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RawTexture and openfl next #103

Closed ramsestom closed 8 years ago

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

I am trying to create a RawTexture from a BitmapData using openfl next version (so not legacy one) but I always obtain a black texture. Here is the code I use:

var bmp:BitmapData = my_function_to_create_bitmap(); var tex = RawTexture.CreateRGBATexture(, bmp.width, bmp.height, scene);

I thinks the problem might have something to do with the format of pixels returned by "" because I am not sure they are in RGBA format (might be ARGB one). Did anyone else succed to create a RawTexture from a generated bitmapdata using openfl next?

EDIT: I tested with an asset texture and I have the same problem if I use RawTexture. So if I do: var bmp:BitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/images/plastic.png"); var tex:Texture = RawTexture.CreateRGBATexture(, bmp.width, bmp.height, scene);

the rendered texture is black

But if I load the texture using: var tex:Texture = new Texture("assets/images/plastic.png", scene);

everything is fine So how can I use RawTexture (because I need to use as texture a bitmapdata generated on the fly and not an asset)? How is the Texture class loading external assets? Did it use lime Image or its own image handler (which could explain why it works when loading an asset texture using the Texture class)?

vujadin commented 8 years ago

you'll have to set rgba format on your bitmapdata (it used to be default in openfl, not anymore) bmp.image.format = PixelFormat.RGBA32;

was reported here also

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

I set bmp.image.format = PixelFormat.RGBA32; alrady but it doesn't change the result. The texture still appear black

vujadin commented 8 years ago

are you sure you generate correctly your bitmapdata ? is it power of 2 ?

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

Yes it is a power of 2 and I am pretty sure the texture is correct (I used the same code with away3D before babylonHx). Anyway, as said, I have the same problem if I use a texture asset. For eample, if you modify one of the babylonHx sample using a texture and modify part of the code loading the the texture so that you have:

var bmp:BitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData("asset_texture_path"); bmp.image.format = PixelFormat.RGBA32; var tex:Texture = RawTexture.CreateRGBATexture(, bmp.width, bmp.height, scene);

rather than

var tex:Texture = new Texture("asset_texture_path", scene);

you can reproduce the issue. The texture will render black (whereas it is ok when loaded by directly creating a texture with an url). So I think the problem is with RawTexture and the createRawTexture function of the Engine class (you probably made some change into the createTexture function of the Engine class that you did not do into the createRawTexture function. Maybe would it be a good idea to have a shared and unique function to create texture from url or from raw data?)

EDIT: the problem seems to be linked to mipmaps. If I set the "generateMipMaps" parametter of the createRawTexture() function to false (it is true by default), the texture renders correctly!

vujadin commented 8 years ago

The only thing which is different in your code and the one in Tools.LoadImage is that you don't create BHX Image object: but this shouldn't be a problem as you're passing correct data to createRGBATexture method... But the mipmaps problem was solved in (and confirmed by user)... I'll look at this issue in a few days when I finish with adding Bullet physics to BHx :)

tcaf commented 8 years ago

@ramsestom are you using the latest code? Mipmaps are fixed by weeks ago.

ramsestom commented 8 years ago

Yes I use latest code

EDIT: I actually just realized that my forked version wasn't in sync (I thought it was). I updated to the latest version and the mipmap issue is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience