vulgo / ga-h97n-wifi-hackintosh

macOS 12 Monterey on H97N-WIFI + OpenCore
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bluetooth no working with DW1550 on Monterey #21

Closed hatran0884 closed 2 years ago

hatran0884 commented 2 years ago

Hi thank you for your work, with your EFI, I have made almost perfect hackintosh. so far, I only have an issue with the bluetooth using DW1550 mini PCIE on Monterey. I have still been struggling to make it work I have used the kexts from acidanthera/BrcmPatchRAM and followed exactly what are mentioned but no solution works. so I am reaching you here to see if you have a solution or workaround ? or have any experience with this case? Wifi works just fine using AirportBrcmFixup for your info, I have a H97N-Wifi with Samsung 256GB SSD, 16GB RAM and HD4600 iGPU and I use iMAC 18,1 as suggested by your guide.

vulgo commented 2 years ago

Hi thanks for the thanks. Unless I misunderstand I don't find the wifi PCI device or bluetooth product IDs from here anywhere in /System/Library/Extensions/*

Without one of a

this card likely will not work in Monterey. Even with the above it may not work correctly.


I don't use wifi that much. I'm hoping to have ethernet on my phone soon. Correct me on anything here if I have it wrong.

hatran0884 commented 2 years ago

actually broadcom DW1550 card is pretty common as a native supported wifi solution in MAC, I bought this card because of it, but it actually only works well with the previous MAC OS version and currently it hasnt been able to work reliably with Monterey. I am still trying to find a solution for it.

hatran0884 commented 2 years ago

by the way, do you know how to use the Power Button to get the OS to go sleep ?

vulgo commented 2 years ago

actually broadcom DW1550 card is pretty common as a native supported wifi solution in MAC, I bought this card because of it, but it actually only works well with the previous MAC OS version

Supported chipsets on macOS 12

Apple's own cards with an adapter are best. Some 3rd party m.2 cards claim native support and require a mini-PCIe adapter. Some require fix-up. Some don't work properly.

do you know how to use the Power Button to get the OS to go sleep ?

Show the shutdown dialog

Control + Power Button


Control + Shift + Power button


Control + Option + Command + Power button

vulgo commented 2 years ago

I think i bought the same chipset a few years ago when it worked in macOS. Still works in Linux.

I've a BCM4360NG in a desktop Monterey system, however i find a simple cable is much neater than the external antennas on a desktop of our general type. Unless its someone else's access point your connecting to.

Search acidanthera bugtracker for up to date information re 4360 i heard some were having issues

hatran0884 commented 2 years ago

I guess your usbmap tool modified specially to the mobo H97N-Wifi actually is not 100% working in my case, so the tool probably miss some internal port used for bluetooth controller. the port type for the bluetooth controller should be 255. so do you think I should use this tool below to re-edit my ports for bluetooth controller:

vulgo commented 2 years ago

USBConnector in usbtool.command

public enum USBConnector: UInt8 {
        case proprietary = 0xFF

DefaultPortMapData in usbtool.command

let kDefaultMapData: [Port] = [
        ), .init(
               name: "HS11",
               address: 0xB,
               connector: .proprietary,
               info: "Mini PCI express"
       ), .init(

Unless the bluetooth port is not HS11 the type is 255 or 0xff. Let me know if this is wrong and I'll change it. Thanks.

Refer to the manual for BrcmPatchRam and related kexts and the acidanthera bugtracker as DW1550 is out-of-scope here.

Install one of BrcmPatchRAM.kext or BrcmPatchRAM2.kext or BrcmPatchRAM3.kext depending on macOS version, never both.

  • BrcmPatchRAM.kext: for 10.10 or earlier.
  • BrcmPatchRAM2.kext: for 10.11 - 10.14.
  • BrcmPatchRAM3.kext: for 10.15 or later.

Also, install one firmware kext BrcmFirmwareData.kext or BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext, depending on installation location, never both.

BrcmFirmwareData.kext: Most appropriate for bootloader injection. This is the preferred configuration.

BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext: Install to /System/Library/Extensions (/Library/Extensions on 10.11 and later). This kext is slightly more memory efficient than BrcmFirmwareData.kext, but cannot be injected by a bootloader.

Keep in mind that BrcmPatchRAM3.kext also requires BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext to be installed. Starting with macOS 10.15, this is the only supported configuration because due to framework changes BrcmPatchRAM.kext and BrcmPatchRAM2.kext are incompatible with macOS 10.15. In case you forget to install BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext, Bluetooth will appear to be available but it won't work at all.

vulgo commented 2 years ago

Added BrcmPatchRam link to out-of-scope section of

hatran0884 commented 2 years ago

I have no clue but the usbmap tools does not detect any bluetooth device, I tried to use a usb2 and usb3 thumdrive to check the available ports and found some ports not being valid including HS05 HS06 and HS11 which is set as 255 by your tool. so probably, I will have to give it up and use external bluetooth dongle for now. anw, many thanks for your support.

vulgo commented 2 years ago

Unless you have 2 USB 2.0 ports plugged into the boxless motherboard header HS05 and HS06 should be turned off in the tool.

HS11 is on the mini PCIe socket so no thumb drive will connect to it, usually only bluetooth.

Make sure you replace the kext in OpenCore Kexts folder with the new one from the desktop.

You could hopefully seek help somewhere more useful getting wireless working.