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Translate database in russian #26

Open m0sth8 opened 9 years ago

andresriancho commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to crowd-source this?

Zapotek commented 9 years ago

Maybe we can hold off on translations altogether until the project gets stable and gains some traction? I don't want us to get into a situation where we have partial or outdated translations.

andresriancho commented 9 years ago


psiinon commented 9 years ago

We use crowdin for ZAP translations - its free for open source projects, and its been great for us - we have over 120 translators :)

The vulnerabilities.xml file we use is in the owasp-zap project, at the top level. Again, feel free to grab anything of use from this and just should if you have any questions etc

mdeous commented 6 years ago

Any news regarding multi-language support? Has any workflow or tool (like crowdin as suggested by @psiinon) been agreed upon? I'd be happy to help translating to french.

andresriancho commented 6 years ago

No news on this front, but I believe that the project is stable enough so we can start thinking about it.

The only task that seems to be a good idea to perform before starting a translation is

Once that's done, the main effort will be to translate the markdown files. JSON files will still contain some English, but we can translate that really quick, since it would be: title, severity, and maybe tags.

In terms of file organization, it seems that inside we'll have to create an en directory for storing the existing content, and then create different directories for each translation: fr, ru, etc.

@mattoufoutu Give me a couple of days to review all this, complete , and you'll have everything ready to work on fr

andresriancho commented 6 years ago

Translation documentation at