Open Jugbot opened 7 months ago
Also seeing this on OpenTofu v1.8.1
with v2.21.0
, I tried adding the provisioner
stanzas shown below as a workaround which makes it somewhat more reliable, but we often end up needing to reapply after a short delay - I feel the workaround is only acting as a delay and isn't long enough sometimes.
resource "vultr_instance" "control_plane_instance" {
depends_on = [ random_id.control_plane_node_id, vultr_vpc2.vpc2 ]
for_each = { for i, v in random_id.control_plane_node_id: i => v }
region = var.REGION
os_id = var.OS_ID
label = "${var.CLUSTER_ID}-control-plane-${each.value.hex}"
hostname = "${each.value.hex}"
backups = "disabled"
firewall_group_id = var.FIREWALL_GROUP_ID
tags = ["${var.CLUSTER_ID}-control-plane"]
ssh_key_ids = [var.SSH_KEY_IDS]
enable_ipv6 = true
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "until ping -c1 ${self.main_ip} >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 5; done;"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
connection {
host = self.main_ip
user = "root"
private_key = file("~/.ssh/id_ed25519.devenv")
inline = ["echo 'connected!'"]
EDIT - After adding another sleep, our issue now appears to be that the server is locked when attaching multiple blockstorage in one shot.
# Pause for 120s to allow all servers to become unlocked
resource "time_sleep" "wait_120_seconds" {
create_duration = "120s"
destroy_duration = "120s"
# Provision and attach blockstorage
# Blockstorage for k8s-internal ceph cluster on control plane nodes
resource "vultr_block_storage" "control_plane_instance" {
depends_on = [ time_sleep.wait_120_seconds, vultr_instance.control_plane_instance ]
count = length(vultr_instance.control_plane_instance) * var.CONTROL_PLANE_CEPH_BLOCK_COUNT
label = "${vultr_instance.control_plane_instance[floor(count.index / var.CONTROL_PLANE_CEPH_BLOCK_COUNT)].label}"
region = var.REGION
attached_to_instance = vultr_instance.control_plane_instance[floor(count.index / var.CONTROL_PLANE_CEPH_BLOCK_COUNT)].id
block_type = var.BLOCK_TYPE
live = true
Thus I think this is a more general issue centered around server lock status, and not a simple race condition on sub creation.
Describe the bug I am creating a new instance and attaching a block storage device to the instance at the same time.
I get this error
To Reproduce I believe only the simultaneous creation of an instance and attaching a block storage device to that instance is relevant.
This sometimes succeeds, however.
Expected behavior The attach operation should wait until the server is ready (not locked)
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