vultr / terraform-provider-vultr

Terraform Vultr provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[BUG] - Inconsistent success attaching block storage -- Instance is locked #482

Open Jugbot opened 2 months ago

Jugbot commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug I am creating a new instance and attaching a block storage device to the instance at the same time.

resource "vultr_instance" "nodejs_server" {
  plan      = var.nodejs_plan
  os_id     = 1743
  region    = var.region
  label     = "nodejs-backend"
  hostname  = var.hostname
  vpc2_ids  = []
  script_id =
  lifecycle {
    replace_triggered_by = [

resource "vultr_startup_script" "setup_script" {
  name = "Server Setup"
  type = "boot"
  script = base64encode(templatefile("", {
    repository_url  = var.REPOSITORY_URL
    mysql_user      = var.DB_USER
    mysql_password  = var.DB_PASSWORD
    mysql_host      =
    mysql_port      = vultr_database.mysql_db.port
    mysql_db_schema =
    email_name      = var.EMAIL_NAME
    email_password  = var.EMAIL_PASSWORD
    nginx_config    = file("nginx.conf")

resource "terraform_data" "always_run" {
  input = timestamp()

resource "vultr_dns_domain" "my_domain" {
  domain = var.hostname
  ip     = vultr_instance.nodejs_server.main_ip

# Block storage is for storing ssl certificates only
# This was implemented to circumvent rate limiting on certificate requests
resource "vultr_block_storage" "my_block_storage" {
  attached_to_instance =
  region               = var.region
  block_type           = "high_perf"
  size_gb              = 1
  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy = true

I get this error

Error: error attaching block storage (9e616948-a562-47d4-8876-3fe205d4fb3d): {"error":"unable to attach: Server is currently locked","status":400} with vultr_block_storage.my_block_storage on line 43, in resource "vultr_block_storage" "my_block_storage": resource "vultr_block_storage" "my_block_storage" {

To Reproduce I believe only the simultaneous creation of an instance and attaching a block storage device to that instance is relevant.

This sometimes succeeds, however.

Expected behavior The attach operation should wait until the server is ready (not locked)

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