vutfitdiscord / rubbergod

FITWIDE discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create custom converters for datetime arguments #1039

Open solumath opened 1 month ago

solumath commented 1 month ago

We have a lot of commands that take as input a date format. At the moment we use function in utils which is good but I think it would be better if we were able to create a custom converter as many disnake types have.

Example would be

@commands.slash_command(name="timeout", description=...)
async def timeout_user(..., endtime: CustomDatetime):

With this approach we don't have to manually parse the time everytime and the global check would catch errors. :warning: This wont change the discord input field. It would still be plain string.

This is demo of suggested code that would work globally. It is matched by type annotation.

def str_to_datetime(inter, date_input: str) -> CustomDatetime:
    return ...

# then:
@commands.slash_command(name="timeout", description=...)
async def timeout_user(..., endtime: CustomDatetime):

Another way are local converters

@commands.slash_command(name="timeout", description=...)
async def timeout_user(..., endtime: CustomDatetime = commands.Param(converter=str_to_datetime):