vutran1710 / PyrateLimiter

⚔️Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorithm Family
MIT License
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Issues with the schedule_leak method #136

Closed TaliaEdwards11 closed 8 months ago

TaliaEdwards11 commented 11 months ago

If the rates for a bucket change, the schedule_leak method does not update because of the use of a forever loop. This means that it can possibly leak valid items since it only considers the old rates. To fix this the sync version of the loop (def _leak_task_sync()) can have a flag instead of being while(True). Also, the sync version containing thread = Thread(target=_leak_task_sync, daemon=True) thread.start() works with the addition of the flag as mentioned previously but will create an error when a large quantity of different buckets are created. You can run out of threads which will create an error. You could consider using a thread pool to limit the number of threads that can be used.

vutran1710 commented 10 months ago

ill take a look when i got some free time

vutran1710 commented 8 months ago

thread-usage fix in #145

Regarding the other issue with bucket's rate change, I will handle it with a separated issue