vutran1710 / PyrateLimiter

⚔️Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorithm Family
MIT License
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Is v3.6 backwards compatible, due to the psycopg2/3 upgrade? #170

Closed petroslamb closed 4 months ago

petroslamb commented 4 months ago


I noticed in the release notes that v3.6 switched to psycopg3, at least for the PostgresBucket. Is everything else still backwards compatible?

PS: I believe it is as the release does not mention any breaking changes, in which case feel free to close this.

vutran1710 commented 4 months ago

the API is still the same, so if the psycopg version change does not cause you trouble, then everything should be fine.

petroslamb commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the quick answer @vutran1710,

Just to make sure I got this, if I install pyrate-limiter without the extras and keep my version of psycopg2 in my project, am i going to be able to use the library (excluding the PostgresBucket of course), or is any of the imports going to complain you think?

vutran1710 commented 4 months ago

if you can't, I'll bring down the whole project myself and stop coding for good.

Thanks for the quick answer @vutran1710,

Just to make sure I got this, if I install pyrate-limiter without the extras and keep my version of psycopg2 in my project, am i going to be able to use the library (excluding the PostgresBucket of course), or is any of the imports going to complain you think?

petroslamb commented 4 months ago

Great thanks, no i wouldn't want that!