Created by Gitlab User adhikary:
Collect requirements for implementing "-aN" Supercollider attribute in Eowyn
a. What are the Valid "N"s for -aN flag in supercollider: -a0-a1-a2-a3-a4-a5-a6-a7-a8-a9 only? (verify with Noa)
b. Valid options for -aN flag: {"UC","WC","WB","WT","WP"} only? (verify with Noa)
c. What are the Constraints associated with -aN flag behavior?
i. -aN cannot be override on parent thread, what else
d. Need to understand the Source code portion of -aN flag implementation from supercollider.
Created by Gitlab User adhikary: Collect requirements for implementing "-aN" Supercollider attribute in Eowyn a. What are the Valid "N"s for -aN flag in supercollider: -a0-a1-a2-a3-a4-a5-a6-a7-a8-a9 only? (verify with Noa) b. Valid options for -aN flag: {"UC","WC","WB","WT","WP"} only? (verify with Noa) c. What are the Constraints associated with -aN flag behavior? i. -aN cannot be override on parent thread, what else d. Need to understand the Source code portion of -aN flag implementation from supercollider.