vvo / gifify

😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
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keep getting an error #17

Closed asafg84 closed 8 years ago

asafg84 commented 9 years ago

Hi, I keep getting this error when using gifify:

events.js:53 EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) { ^ RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm running your get started example.

I think it has to do with the ffmpeg module dependency because when im trying to convert via shell I also get an error:

$ gifify inputs/mov.webm -o outputs/mov.gif --resize 800:-1 [Error: Could not find ffmpeg on your system]

Which is odd because i installed ffmpeg and I can require it.

How can i make it work?

Thank You!

vvo commented 9 years ago

asaf can you provide me with:

So that I can reproduce your problem, thanks

asafg84 commented 9 years ago


js code

var fs = require('fs'); var gifify = require('gifify'); var path = require('path'), input_path = './uploads', output_path = './outputs';

var input = path.join(input_path, 'toGif.webm'); var output = path.join(output_path, 'toGif.gif');

var gif = fs.createWriteStream(output);

var options = { resize: '200:-1', from: 30, to: 35 };

gifify(input, options).pipe(gif);


The video im trying to convert is a 3s webm format. I can run it so its not corrupt.


vvo commented 9 years ago

Can you upload it somewhere still?

asafg84 commented 9 years ago


Nikolaibibo commented 9 years ago

experiencing the same issue with the same code on Mac OSX except that I use a MP4 that should be converted to GIF

ghost commented 8 years ago

I am also experiencing similar error

mh4ck commented 8 years ago


vvo commented 8 years ago

@asafg84 and everyone here, I was able to put your video into a GIF. So if some videos are not working, check all the requirements and install instructions, test another simple mp4 video, and in last resort: open a new issue, drop your video link and I will try it.